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she just does so much work. Even without the blinking, if you have one or two decent creatures out and drop her its probably game over. Yes, there will be the wave of "dies to doomblade" comments but all I can say to that is "good!" there needs to be an out cuz if you can't deal with her, you're dead.
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/26/2013 2:24:48 PM)


I still think that Avacyn and Akroma are better. She has a titan-esque feel but i think that she should be at least a 4/4 angel. She is good in commander with her friend Gisela but I think Aurelia deserves a 4.5/5
Posted By: LadiesMan117 (3/4/2013 10:46:18 AM)


I wonder if she has an arch-nemesis named Yarelia.
Posted By: zsd (3/9/2013 6:20:38 AM)


I played this in a limited game online , kept it in my hand till it would win me the game , set the board up so i was able to take him/her down fro 20- 0 in one turn. Auriela bigswinger is a card
Posted By: Mindbend (3/10/2013 4:00:24 AM)


Apparently, Boros leaders are supposed to do 6 damage each turn.
Posted By: steinburger1109 (3/10/2013 7:26:20 PM)


Random Musing: Aurelia is awesome for a killing blow/ all out swing with everything you have in true Boros style but she actually has amazing synergy with exalted. If you drop her and swing with her alone (say you have a Sublime Archangel out and three other creatures) she gets a +5/+5 exalted bonus. Then on her second swing however she gets to keep the first exalted bonus and she adds a second +5/+5 on top of it. So in this situation you get to use one creature to dome your opponent for 21 damage. It might not always work that well, but it's just a thought
Posted By: MightySqueeth (3/18/2013 6:58:55 AM)


RGW Commander, much?:

1 Birds of Paradise or whatever, really...
2 Vexing Shusher
Radha, Heir to Keld
3 Domri Rade
4 Gauntlet of Might or something else?
5 Privileged Position
6 Rith, the Awakener
Aurelia, the Warleader (yes I auto-carded the card you currently are on...)

Too bad her "Waves of Aggression" ability doesn't trigger with Aether Vial or Defense of the Heart.
Posted By: MattLynn (3/29/2013 4:14:20 AM)


Aurelia marks another marvellous red/white legendary creature, playable in EDH. Most Red/White legends are pretty good for EDH (excluding Razia, Boros Archangel).

Actually, now that I'm looking at them, most of them work together: Aurelia, Agrus Kos, Gisela, Jor Kadeen, Brion Stoutarm and Basandra, if all on the field, can have one hell of a combat phase.

You attack with all but Brion, while also being protected by Basandra. Since you've got 3 artifacts (uhh... sol ring, boros signet, and Mox Opal), all your creatures have +3/+0, thanks to Jor Kadeen. Agrus Kos activates, giving all your attackers +2/+2.

So, that'd be Base attack (20) + Jor Kadeen Bonus x5 (15) + Agrus Kos Bonus x5 (10) x Gisela multiplier (2) = 90 damage.
Aurelia would untap all and cause another battle phase. Since Agrus Kos gets to attack again, g... (see all)
Posted By: Ferlord (4/7/2013 1:15:03 PM)


I'm sure someone's said it already, but it also lets you double up on Battalion effects. Triggering Firemane Angel, Boros Elite or even Firemind Infantry twice would be pretty awesome. Then again, it's useless for the likes of Daring Skyjek and Wojek Halberdiers.
Posted By: Villainous1 (4/8/2013 9:59:24 AM)


I really like the Razia reference. Compared to her predecessor Razia, Boros Archangel She makes up for the 6/3 Haste, Vigilance with her own 4/3 Insurrection. I love how being a mythic has made Legends so much more powerful. I kind of feel bad that all Razia got was a 3 damage redirection and cost 8 mana. EEk no wonder she didn't see much play. As far as Aurelia goes everything I want to say about her has already been said. In Limited pick her and bash in for the win, in Standard she is a late game monster who needs to be dealt with.
Posted By: vantha (4/10/2013 7:43:45 AM)


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