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The parallels between this guy's and the angry kitten's abilities are... weird.

They'd have some good synergy, if anyone ever felt compelled to make a RUW deck.
Posted By: Aburaishi (11/19/2013 1:42:01 PM)


"O radiant one. Youth free from sin.
I have heard your voice. Call upon me, and I shall come."
He uttered the words with hands folded, standing in the midst of brilliant light.
A machine belt on his waist.
A machine arm covering his hands.
At that moment, he changed into something else - clad in the garments of a faraway country, armed with thunder from beyond the clouds.
In his gaze-
a spark.
Posted By: DoctorGii (11/21/2013 1:14:12 AM)


You forgot Vraska!
Posted By: NickDay (11/22/2013 11:21:07 PM)


Sure wish it was possible to +1 at instant speed (hoping at some point there is a planeswalker that can do that). Otherwise, plussing feels a little useless other than ramping by 1 (which is a reasonable advantage, but feels really strange in UR). Ulti is fun but a little silly (like Vraska's), but minus is extremely good. I guess the only problem is you get the most value out of his minus against decks that can generally kill him easily. Overall, not a huge fan. He's a little awkward.
Posted By: Aremath (12/12/2013 8:17:29 AM)


Really really similar to Ajani Vengeant they're both 4 cmc and are red. Both their +1's tap things, ral untaps yours, Ajani keeps things tapped. Fits well into the decks they'd go into. Ajani's -2 is strictly better, but ral comes with 1 more devotion, and both ultimates will win you the game. Probably.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (2/13/2014 6:04:00 PM)


Why, if it isn't the man who ruined an entire set. Pleased to meet you.
Posted By: Petertracy (2/24/2014 11:16:38 PM)


I started running him in my WhiteBlueRed deck alongside Elspeth, Knight Errant and Ajani Vengeant. He is certainly the worst of the three, but comparing him to two powerhouses in control is maybe not fair. He compares directly to Ajani and its not a good comparison for him.

His biggest issue for me is his +1. It seems more aggro then control. I have had some success against mirrored control using him to tap their land to shut out counters. Usually its just me untapping a land. If I ran Howling Mine, it would be a cool combo with that. Basalt monolith and Stasis have been mentioned. His -2 is useful, but yeah, strictly worse than Ajani. the 3 is nice though, lets me kill something when I don't have a lightning bolt or magma jet handy. His ultimate is better than Ajani's in multiplayer, but arguably worse in 1v1. You will usually win if you get eit... (see all)
Posted By: Enelysios (3/11/2014 12:17:52 AM)


It doesn't say you can't use a coin with two heads.... Problem wizards?
Posted By: bloodlinekeeper (4/15/2014 9:03:10 AM)


we don't get lighting bolt but instead this guy i'm okay with that
Posted By: syntheticbiology232 (4/28/2014 6:47:18 PM)


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