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I Wastelanded my own Mutavault to stop this in a dredge deck the other day. It amused me greatly.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (10/21/2013 5:14:05 AM)


Not that it doesn't have enough text already, but for flavor reasons, I would love if it also said, "Bridge from Below is put into your graveyard from anywhere except the battlefield, exile it instead." Then, to work, it would literally have to exist, then be 'extended' down into the afterlife.

This would also make it a lot less broken; these days, it's mostly abused in dredge decks, and they would have a lot harder time if they actually had to pay mana for it, then figure out some removal to get rid of it. This is one of the few cards in Magic that has probably never been cast.
Posted By: Zetan (11/3/2013 1:31:31 PM)


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