Yeah, it's pretty good. cheap, has a good effect, and land enchantments are a tad bit harder to kill that creature auras.
Posted By:
(1/13/2014 3:42:50 PM)
I just have to wonder... if you chain something to a sacred foundry, is that forced labor and forced worship?
(but not this forced worship)
Posted By:
(1/26/2014 4:31:18 AM)
I find it flavorfully odd that the mountain could then erupt and the creature would come back completely unharmed.
Posted By:
(2/17/2014 11:50:18 AM)
To each his/her own, but personally I like when Wizards is actually creative, rather than just copying overdone myths that everybody knows about. I actually ended up really liking Theros, because it wasn't entirely composed of cards like this.
Though, I guess how well people know about a myth depends partly on where those people are from. I still don't see a lot of the references to Japanese mythology and culture in Kamigawa block, because I'm not really used to Japanese culture and mythology. Because of this, even the characters in that setting that may be extremely blatantly based off of some Japanese myth feel original to me.
Posted By:
(5/10/2014 7:00:24 PM)
Best used on Titan of Eternal Fire, if you want the flavor to get even more in your eyes.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 2:35:22 PM)
1 mana removal is always playable.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 3:31:44 PM)
Nice reference to Prometheus being bound to a rock by adamantine chains.
Also, this only fits in a R/W or R/W/? deck so 3.5/5
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 6:54:29 PM)
This is what Path to Exile was supposed to be, rather than the mindlessly good card that it is now.
Posted By:
(9/17/2013 2:46:01 PM)
Boo rare removal hiss!
Posted By:
(9/19/2013 5:32:01 PM)
It's not that this card isn't oozing with mythological flavor, it's not this card isn't just incredibly fun to use, it's not that it isn't entertaining to tell people that you're going to chain their best creature to some rocks...
I love this card but when you compare it to journey to nowhere, doesn't it make you wonder why chained is a rare? Journey is splashable, doesn't require you to play red, won't be destroyed along with your land, costs just one colorless more and it's a common! Chances are, you're playing this turn two anyway so the one less mana over journey is mostly irrelevant.
I could see this being a staple uncommon but I would prefer to open nearly any other rare in my Theros booster packs than this card.
Posted By:
(10/24/2013 11:27:09 AM)