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Community Rating: 3.530 / 5  (67 votes)
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Will get some insane ramp in monogreen, considering the amount of creatures with multiple in their mana cost you get out in the early game. Easily a 4-of.

EDIT: Finally, I get my chance to play Worldspine Wurm!
Posted By: Lord_Skoonie (10/24/2013 10:57:34 AM)


Compare to the flavor text of Voyaging Satyr, and look at the pictures. The Satyr druid steals the human druid's fruit. But, then again, she obviously has plenty even if she notices in the illustration the conspicuous absence of some of it. Wizards did a nice job on the dialogue between the two cards. I think the buildings in the backgrounds may be the same, too.
Posted By: dies2doomblade (10/31/2013 8:07:45 PM)


Primalcrux says everybody
Posted By: Salient (12/11/2013 8:20:48 PM)


WotC was very cautious with green's devotion cards, when at the same time they released the absurd Gray Merchant of Asphodel as a common! I think this might be constructed playable in cc 1GG, but now it is overcosted.
Posted By: AncientTimer (1/13/2014 1:01:47 PM)


It's a little pricey for where many people want to be at with ramp but if you stop ramping by 4 mana you might be sitting on those lovely 6-15cmc cards longer than you would like.
Posted By: Stuflames (6/5/2014 10:41:27 PM)


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