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At Pro Tour Theros, the commentators were saying this should have been a split card, Murder and Mayhem.
Would that count as a reprint of Murder?
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (10/14/2013 4:08:19 PM)


here's how i imagine this, a soldier comes charging at you and then a minotaur just falls from the sky and lands on the soldier, squishing him.
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (10/23/2013 10:26:18 AM)


Sure in Bx Control you want at least 2 (probably 4 tho) but I kinda wish this wasnt a card. This and Dreadbore are making Planeswalker so much worse and I love playing decks with lots of Planeswalker, but ill still have to play 4.
Posted By: Casey130 (10/24/2013 12:58:21 PM)


Flavor text should be "Squish."
Posted By: Aquitainus (11/14/2013 9:57:27 PM)


No matter if person or creature something will meets its downfall with this card.

Posted By: Galerion (12/26/2013 5:33:28 AM)


Somebody in WotC is shamelessly pushing monoblack: Phyrexian Obliterator, Griselbrand, Thoughtseize, Gray Merchant of Asphodel. But this is not pushing anymore, this is force-feeding.
Posted By: AncientTimer (1/19/2014 2:41:39 PM)


Why Hero's Downfall instead of Dreadbore? For most spells instant speed is not worth an extra mana, for example Volcanic Hammer was played in Standard but Yamabushi's Flame was not. A sorcery Advent of the Wurm at one less would've been way broken.

The main reason is probably that Rakdos isn't a deck yet. But there's a particular problem with Dreadbore that seems to be pretty important: Dreadbore doesn't kill Master of Waves. The raw power of Master often exceeds pretty much every other card in Standard at that cost. If you hold Dreadbores against one, you'd be dead, as simple as that.
Posted By: sweetgab (1/19/2014 4:37:49 PM)


They'll regret this one for sure.
Posted By: patronofthesound (1/19/2014 11:38:23 PM)


This may be strictly better than murder, but only if the opponent plays a planeswalker. As of the time of this post, this card costs $10 while murder is $1. I don't think it is quite worth its price tag, but it is good. Most of the time in modern, I will just duress a planeswalker out of their hand. If that doesn't work then I could just doom blade an opponents creature to remove a blocker and deal with it by attacking. If you have these use them over murder, otherwise you don't need to pay $9 more for an occasionally better card. 4/5
Posted By: Kanra777 (1/26/2014 8:44:34 PM)


Meld the word "Murder" with the initials H.D. and you get Hurp Derp.

That can't not be intentional.
Posted By: Salient (2/19/2014 4:12:53 PM)


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