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Community Rating: 4.578 / 5  (173 votes)
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I understand what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the following card, but I'd like to share this with the Gatherer community. If you have the time, please read ahead.

I have heard many comments on cards like Fleecemane Lion and Prophet of Kruphix, wondering why the cards are rated so low.
It's not because those cards are not played. It's because someone is purposely doing this.

I have noticed this trend when a new set comes out. Initially, everyone clamours to give great cards high ratings. And then, after a few weeks after it has been released, card ratings plummet.

Snapcaster, initially 4.7 stars out of 5, was once 4.1. Geist of Saint Traft, initially 4.5/5, was 3.9/5. Boros Reckoner was 3.7/5. Thragtusk was below 4 stars for a while.
All of these cards were heavily played in Standard because they are good.

In short, someone's ch... (see all)
Posted By: Ferlord (2/3/2014 8:21:41 PM)


I can imagine the guy in the artwork screaming "MY COMBO!!!!!!!!" while disintegrating into thin air.
Posted By: Morrinkt (9/29/2013 12:35:28 AM)


I really like this card. Great effect, especially for one mana.

The flavor text, though... I think Wizards was trying to go for "creepy" and kind of missed...
Posted By: MrMonday (9/17/2013 6:53:18 PM)


So is Voldemort living on the back of this guy's head or something?
Posted By: Nucleon (9/18/2013 10:19:51 PM)


Posted By: Jitteryowl (9/21/2013 2:23:38 PM)


Finally, an answer to Thragtusk in Standard! Now maybe it won't be so dominant anymore.....wait a sec...
Posted By: MostlyLost (9/17/2013 3:50:21 PM)


Finally! It was about time for a reprint of one of the best discard spells of all time. The only discard spell that can even be compared power-wise being Inquisition of Kozilek. Honorable mention to the notorious Hymn to Tourach.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (2/14/2014 9:08:16 AM)


So many decks that have no business running an effect like this will be running it... post-rotation standard is going to be heaven for monored decks.
Posted By: Fenix. (9/19/2013 1:28:10 AM)


Here again to seize your cash!
Posted By: PopcornBunni (2/7/2014 11:18:50 AM)


I'm currently running Dimir in Standard (Dimir-Control, not Dimir-Mill), and when I first started to put my deck together a friend told me that I HAD to run four-of with Thoughtseize. I looked up the card, and meh... Seemed 'alright' I thought, but I just could not figure out the price tag...

I now HAVE my four-of, and count these as an absolute GODSEND (no pun intended). I will almost always keep my starting hand if I have a swamp and a Thoughtseize, as dropping it turn one or two seems to nearly double my win rate.

This card singlehandedly kills off the best reason your opponent kept their 'good' hand. WORST case scenario, you know EXACTLY what is coming, and when running Dimir-Control, knowing what to save spells for is amazing.

Easy 5/5, pity about the price tag, but well earned in my opinion.
Posted By: SevesDariku (3/28/2014 3:53:35 PM)


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