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"What are ya' buyin'?"
Posted By: AnArmedBear (11/8/2013 8:52:53 AM)


Although not evident, truly a mistake of a card. When pros say they'll snap-keep this over Erebos in draft, something's off in the design.

Honestly I was more upset at Fanatic when the set was spoiled, but I've come to learn how important hiding devotion in other card types is. Black does that very well, red not so much.
Posted By: DoorDie (2/6/2014 1:26:05 PM)


Needs a standard ban, or at least restriction. Monoblack Merchant decks absolutely dominate the format, no one even considers playing anything else.
Posted By: tehsquirrely (4/9/2014 1:42:17 PM)


Compare with Kokusho, the Evening Star to get an idea of just how ridiculously good this guy is. Sure coco-puffs comes with a better creature body, but being on the curve isn't what made him so good. This guy doesn't even wait for an excuse to die, he just does the job right out of the gate.

Standard's already seeing him tear things up, but I think he's going to make the biggest waves in EDH. A Kokusho that can be used with flicker and bounce? As if we didn't have enough reason to run Deadeye Navigator already.
Posted By: Pinto331 (10/24/2013 6:47:19 PM)


Pulled 2 of these in the pre-release for my BU control deck. Game one round one, my opponent's opening was:
Turn 1: Soldier of the Pantheon
Turn 2: Pump spell to save said soldier
Turn 3: Anax and Cymede
Turn 4: Phalanx Leader and a second pump spell
Turn 5: Celestial Archon

Being a slow deck, I didn't think it was possible for me to be more dead than I already was. Until I played our merchant friend on turn 5 (devotion = 4), my second one turn 6 (devotion = 6). I spent turn 7 killing his troublesome creatures and had one of my merchants die as he tried to push through more damage. Turn 8 I cast Rescue from the Underworld, saccing the one still alive to get them both back. I won the next turn.

tl;dr this thing is freaking insane for a common, and I am so in love with it right now <3
Posted By: Paradigm012 (9/23/2013 3:39:50 PM)


I never thought I'd say this about any card, but it would be so damn good if it costed BlackBlackBlackBlackBlack...

It's still very fun! Talk about turn 3 Geralf's Messenger, turn 4 Phyrexian Obliterator, Turn 5 this!
Posted By: Lueseto (9/25/2013 6:33:17 PM)


Mono-Black EDH has a new friend.
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/17/2013 4:03:56 PM)


Oh my goodness gracious..

Subtly, this is borderline Qasali Pridemage level in terms of commons. I've been playtesting this in Legacy Reanimator, and it has proven to be awesome. There is absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, like reanimating Griselbrand and then reanimating this guy. The swing that this provides in a game can be devastating, and it drastically forces your opponent to reconsider their plan of action if this comes out after Griselbrand. Very fun in reanimator, and even gets there in whip-animator in standard.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (9/26/2013 4:14:40 PM)


Seems Thrull-ish.
Posted By: Purplerooster (9/18/2013 7:49:00 PM)


Rite of Replication.
Posted By: darkterrorblade (9/17/2013 3:03:25 PM)


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