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Community Rating: 3.812 / 5  (40 votes)
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My questing is this lets say I have a creature that is life linking, Then you bestow this card on it, Then lets say you also have Soulbond on it. My question is when it attackers it first before dmg the opponent loses 2 live is this also meaning it life links that? If so does the 2 make counters on the creature before it is blocked and dmg is exchanged?
Posted By: twisterhatfield (3/27/2014 11:21:38 PM)


The Ungrateful Undead
Posted By: ThisMightBeRyan (4/6/2014 10:24:47 AM)


Great in Rakdos agro with Rakdos, Lord of Riots. Pull out this guy turn 2 or 3, swing on turn four, they lose two life, and then you can pull out Rakdos himself with minimal mana investment. Works for me!
Posted By: Clietus (5/8/2014 6:42:04 AM)


Infectious horror has returned.

Get it?... okay, i'm out of here.
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (6/3/2014 9:17:52 PM)


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