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I for one welcome our new junk overlords.
Posted By: itsmeyouidiot (4/25/2014 6:01:37 PM)


Utterly useless....... on token creatures.
Posted By: avimkv (4/27/2014 12:02:22 PM)


Athreos, God of METAL. \m/

Possibly my new favorite god, and definitely one of the better ones. The only problem is that I can't see that ability ever going exactly the way you want it. If you really want that creature, your opponent will pay the life; if you really want to kill your opponent, they'll let you take the creature. Still, looking forward to what will be played with him. High Priest of Penance seems like a fun thematic choice.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (4/24/2014 3:05:17 PM)


Use him with Spark Trooper if you really want your opponent to hate you.
Posted By: GoDz_JtFr (4/27/2014 3:43:05 PM)


One could certainly argue that Athreos is the strongest of the Gods. But they would be wrong, because Xenagod was so powerful, he had to be killed.

Xenagod: 1
Athreos: 0
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (4/24/2014 5:10:10 PM)


Oh man, what a hilarious commander. Fill your deck with creatures they can't afford to let you recur (Yosei, Kokusho) and things that make it a bad idea to pay life (Wound Reflection, Sorin Markov), and then


In multiplayer, this card is made by the fact that you target one player to choose, instead of "Any player may pay 3 life. If no player does..." So you can either pick a player who can't afford the 3 life, or make deals with the weakest player; if they give you back your creature, you'll use it against the strongest player.
Posted By: MisterAction (4/25/2014 1:48:41 AM)


Wizards already stated that split mana cost creatures like divinity of pride only allow the use of on color in the use of devotion. But regardless that is a nice one for devotion if you do have athreos out.
Posted By: BaneReckoning (5/9/2014 4:15:12 AM)


Once again, Orzhov seems to get the shaft. The ability is nearly useless since you probably need to deal more than 3 damage, and an opponent will make any creature that can do that stay dead. Worst part is, it still can get countered or exiled or arrested or bounced once it's played!

I have no beef with the body/cost, so long as you manage to get it online...

EDIT: I know my opinion is not the popular one, but this card was a let-down for me (I don't play standard, by the way).
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (4/24/2014 9:06:30 PM)


I do not get why people are all over this. I love it, but I like punisher cards and Vorthos stuff. Choosing a player is cool, you can make alliances and keep recurring your creatures. In most situations though his effect is going to be largely ignored by opponents.

Your opponent choosing just ruins the effect for competitive circles though. I suspect this is another 'punisher' card everyone is calling overpowered that will sink into relative obscurity. (Vexing Devil?) These cards are fun and popular, but not great. The excitement over this god is just insane though. That's a good thing, glad to see people excited to play a new card without them resorting to absurd powercreep.
Posted By: Enelysios (4/25/2014 9:27:13 PM)



Turn 1: godless shrine, thoughtseize
Turn 2: swamp, Heartless Summoning
Turn 3: blood crypt, Athreos, god of passage
Play Perilous Myr for free take 2 damage goes back to my hand unless you pay 3 life. Oh so you payed 3 life? Play myr retriever for free, pick up perilous myr from graveyard, and myr retriever goes to my hand unless you pay 3 life.play perilous myr again, goes back to my hand unless you wanna pay 3 life again, GG

Already have a deck in the brewing. Wizards what have you done....
Posted By: WeaponlordX (5/3/2014 8:12:45 AM)


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