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And then Xenagos was dead.

And absolutely no one was surprised.

(For context, see my comment on Xenagos, God of Revels)
Posted By: DaLucaray (4/24/2014 6:06:22 PM)


Probably the single best answer to an opponent casting a God. This will definitely see sideboard use in Standard for a while.
Posted By: Polyphemos (4/24/2014 2:35:42 PM)


This is one of those cards that is almost 100% flavor. And the rest of it is trinket text. Wizards heard us complain that RTR block's climax wasn't even remotely represented on a card, so Theros's is right here.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (4/24/2014 6:13:49 PM)


Gods don't die, they merely slumber. In this case, Xenagod is slumber-partying somewhere very far away.
Posted By: SpaceMagic (4/24/2014 7:35:57 PM)


@Syrtees: So you're running a single Revoke in a 60 card deck. The chances of you drawing it before Master of Waves goes off aren't great. The chances of you drawing it *AT ALL* aren't great, less than 10%. And if you run more? Then suddenly every other copy becomes a dead card, BECAUSE SHE'S THE ONLY ENCHANTMENT IN THE DECK.

The idea that this "takes out several cards" is nonsense. If you remove a card from my deck, that is just a card that I won't draw. Half my deck is cards that I won't draw. You've done nothing that the 3 other Thassa's being 20 cards down in my deck won't already have done. Hell, if I have a Thassa on board and I scry to a new one, I myself will bottom deck it, because it's a dead card.

Mono-Blue Devotion is not a combo deck. Thassa's a useful tool, but the deck has other answers.
Posted By: deworde2510 (5/2/2014 4:54:48 AM)


Exile target Obelisk the Tormentor
Posted By: Pendulous (4/24/2014 7:23:09 PM)


People are saying this is worse than Revoke Existence, but the thing they are failing to see is that this is an Instant where Revoke Existence is a sorcery.

Sure, this doesn't hit artifacts, but ask yourself this question: How many people do you really see playing artifacts in Standard? Modern and Legacy are a different case, but at least in Standard, I think this card is much better than Revoke.
Posted By: MrSunso (4/25/2014 12:01:06 PM)


Spoiler alert!

Elspeth kills Xenagos!

Snape kills Dumbledore!

Bolas kills Nissa, and no one notices!

For you anime fans, Ayumu Kasuga kills Mihama Chiyo (in a dream, but it totally counts)!

Anyway. Theros block had a good run, but it's over now, I guess. Thanks, Elspeth.
Posted By: Lazenca_Seifus (4/24/2014 2:31:21 PM)



Also, http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (4/24/2014 4:51:52 PM)


With the amount of enchantments in the Theros Block, removing an enchantment is a neato. Exiling an enchantment? Even better. This card still rocks the set even if you don't target a God with it.
Posted By: SlushyJones (4/24/2014 8:09:32 PM)


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