After running out of draft boxes, some friends and I decided to build commons decks to play until M15 comes out. As I was going through boxes of cards I came across the chub and said "yep, that's going in just because of the name." I've owned chub toads for nearly 20 years and have never played one. Until now.

I really don't understand the low rating here. It's certainly not a great card, but it's certainly not a bad card either. Expensive for a 1/1, yes, but in a pauper format, assuming it doesn't get zapped immediately, it's either going to get its one damage through, or it's going to eat a 2/2 or 3/3 that tries to block it. And it's a great chump blocker that will eat a 3/3.

I will say this proudly: Two chub toads and a goblins of the flarg won a few games for me last night.

Beyond that, I give 5 out of 5 just for the name and art.