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This guy USED to be good, but now there's been so much powercreeping that he's just less than mediocre.
Posted By: Vadoff (5/3/2011 3:58:36 PM)


Decent creature. Like his art and flavor text. Card is decent but not the best. Still the fact he has morph can be helpful.
Posted By: 4wallz (11/23/2009 12:08:21 PM)


This is pretty much the poor man's Abyssal Persecutor. I love both of them as demon food for Xathrid Demon though.
Posted By: Ladnarud (9/15/2010 1:50:21 PM)


I wonder what's so funny.
This guy is nothing compared to Chimney Imp
Posted By: LasherHN (1/6/2010 10:00:09 AM)


This guy can really mongle some kock.
Posted By: blindthrall (5/22/2011 1:17:36 PM)


yes ladnarud, this seems like a poor man's Abyssal Persecutor. too bad it doesn't have any ability to complement its high power, even if its only either one of percy's 2 abilities..or even a situational one like fear..

still, you can build your deck around him, with cards like maybe innocent blood, cabal therapy, gatekeeper of malakir(you can kick your own creatures), diabolic edict and vampire nighthawk to offset the life loss..

maybe something like that, im not sure though how competetive it would be in today's meta..
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (5/22/2012 1:15:24 AM)


Funny thing... Was in a sealed deck tourney for onslaught... I pulled a bunch of great cards... But I got 1 legend... Kamahel, the green one.... One of the other rares was mobilization... So I went green and white mostly... It was a pretty good deck.... Well my friend went mono black... His kill guy was grinning demon... I have 1 thing to say... He's good aginst everything but white... One word.... Pacifism.,. That demon killed me one round, and him two rounds... 3/5... He is fat tho....
Posted By: Shannnnoonn (11/30/2011 6:38:27 PM)



Is Kaalia good enough for ya?! xD

I realize you might hate Angels. May I suggest Fallen Angel and Crypt Angel though? Especially Crypt Angel, with Kaalia...3:DDD
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/11/2011 9:29:50 PM)


Basically, you can look at him as a 3-drop that uses up your mana on the next turn as well. He attacks as soon as you have 4 mana, and skips his first upkeep payment.
Posted By: Atali (9/13/2011 12:18:44 PM)


I would be grinning like that too if I were 2BlackBlack for a 6/6.
Posted By: Andromeiylochk (10/24/2011 7:59:26 PM)


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