As a kid, this card really stood out to me. Creepy. Powerful. And just downright fun to bring out my against my friends.
Posted By:
(8/19/2012 7:59:10 PM)
"Here at Wizards of the Coast, we believe in gentleness and love and smiles. That's why when our creatures 'fight,' they hug each other and make friends! We try to avoid icky, scary things like spiders, snakes, and demons. But be on the lookout for the following cards: Basket Full of Kittens, Lollipop Elemental, Bracers of Sparkliness, Circle of Protection: Cooties, and My Pink Unicorn Friend.
"So in short, we would never, ever, ever print anything gross like a Demon in a million million years. Unless it was a fun, happy demon. Like a Grinning Demon, for example. That would be super fun!"
Posted By:
(1/9/2013 9:05:18 PM)
The scent of your screams is attracting Grinning Demons.
Lay off the garlic, man.
Posted By:
(4/25/2013 9:10:41 AM)
This needs a reprint!
Posted By:
(7/16/2013 2:47:54 PM)
Anyone talking about needing to offset his life loss or him being a sub-par creature has no idea how a competitive constructed environment works. Here's a good way to "offset" losing two life per turn: start hitting your opponent for six life with a four drop. This card is fantastic.
Posted By:
(12/25/2013 2:27:57 PM)
Percy and Desecration Demon continue this guy's legacy, and in a lot of ways this guy is still better than the latter. In Demon tribal this and Liege of the Pit were your 3-drops and *you liked it.* I still use him in some casual beat-downs. He embodies the black "sacrifice for power" thing (your life total) and is threateningly huge; even by today's standards he's a beater.
A note; Zoetic Cavern can keep him safe by offering up something to eat a kill spell.
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 1:35:37 PM)