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Community Rating: 4.305 / 5  (59 votes)
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If you play a burn deck, you run out of cards easily, Dragon Mage replenishes your hand with spells again, deadly.
Posted By: Cyberium (12/19/2012 1:13:17 PM)


A red EDH staple; its a dragon, it draws lots of cards, and it affects every player at the table.
Posted By: Pwnsaw (10/2/2010 5:57:36 PM)


Not sure if it was said alredy, but, a dragon wizard? *sheds a single tear* So beautiful!
Posted By: Recino (5/6/2012 2:19:25 PM)


Built in wheel of fortune sweet! 3.5/5
Posted By: Combofriend (7/2/2013 8:56:23 PM)


This is maybe the only Dragon 'serious' Kaalia players will consider anymore.

Johnnies who had to think 'how do we make this EVEN dumber' came up with this tho: Scion of the Ur-Dragon, slide Kaalia to the 99. 5-color, 3-tribe, super broken bonkers deck? ENABLED.

EDIT: Hmm....i was thinking that after Griselbrand and Gisela were spoiled, that AVR would give so many great Angels and Demons, that Dragons would be too hard to find room for. I was wrong though- they've definitely made some competitive worthy Dragons since then, and a little number of Old Dragons still have teeth enough to be worth looking at-- but I do think Dragons are more likely to be outdated by Newer cards than Angels (who will always have Akroma and now Avacyn) or Demons (who will probably always have Reiver Demon and definitely always Griselbrand and Rakdos, the Defiler).

This is the only Dragon I think is unlikely to get outdated anytime soon though, the way other cards look. Big Fat Flyers ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/23/2012 6:28:34 PM)


with Megrim would be almost playable
Posted By: BryanFR (9/20/2009 4:49:20 PM)


Chandra Ablaze could make use of this guy in the right situation (discard a bunch of burn then fire off her ultimate)
Posted By: Reinin (2/16/2010 6:21:12 PM)


I loved this card flavor and art. but too expensive and its ability was off

A new version of this card could be a multicolored UBR, kinda like a mini Nicol Bolas...a 3UBR 5/5 flying dragon with better discard/draw abilities
Posted By: OutlawD1 (8/30/2009 1:29:13 PM)


*** Awesome
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/31/2009 10:59:03 PM)


i'm afraid this is not usable ith megrim...it makes you discard your hand as well good for a mill deck perhaps
Posted By: darkcider (12/12/2009 4:57:17 PM)


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