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Community Rating: 4.305 / 5  (59 votes)
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@ Sleazebag if you discard your hand with this guy, psychosis crawler's p/t would be 0 and die, no?
Posted By: pedrodyl (8/17/2011 11:13:28 AM)


@pedrodyl: Nope. The P/T would go to 0, but it would go back up to 7 again before state-based effects were checked. So it would have no chance to die.
Posted By: syrazemyla (12/11/2011 7:45:16 PM)


Lets say you cheat him into play somehow by turn lets say 3 in aburn deck (how idk its a hypothetical maybe rites and a quicksilver amulet) give him double strike attack with him cast all the burn spells you draw before he hits again, and then he hits again you get more burn spells if you haven't won already then youre playing idk edh or something else with ridiculous life totals.
Posted By: nope.avi (1/7/2012 10:35:34 PM)


If you look up cards with mage in their name and find this dude, you will see underneath it's name the words Creature - Dragon Wizard (5/5).
Forget power/toughness, I see it as an omen. Rate him 5/5!
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (6/9/2012 11:46:43 AM)


Yikes... mean flavor text.
Posted By: mflanaga (8/24/2012 9:47:45 AM)


Really want to play this with Sire of Insanity just for laughs
Posted By: JTomoyasu (3/20/2014 7:28:56 AM)


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