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Community Rating: 4.426 / 5  (61 votes)
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A really powerful card that I played a bit too, but one of the cards that I dislike. It's too swingy for my liking, and casting a Decree for 8 followed by another one for 10 next turn against a bunch of Goblins is not even fun for me the caster. It's just big and dumb, like a bunch of angelic tyrants.

Guess this is what I hate about white, more than any of the other four colors - White has no teamwork and almost no synergy. You simply play one powerful spell after another, each one having nothing to do with the next. There's no Elvish Archdruid into Eldrazi Monument / Genesis Wave / Joraga Warcaller, to vastly different results and specializations. Nothing that makes you feel clever like Smoldering Spire plus Kiln Fiend, or the way-too-many tricks you can perform with blue cards. The closest thing to synergy in white with any regularity is probably tokens + team boosting effects, but it's too old and pretty much every color has this. White cards tend to be the most boring, and white... (see all)
Posted By: Gabriel422 (11/24/2010 11:59:24 PM)


honestly, it's just better to cycle
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/27/2011 10:37:54 PM)


If you like the angel token creating part of this card you need to check out Entreat the Angels!
Posted By: TreeTrunkMaster (6/2/2012 8:18:18 AM)


Interestingly, Decree of Pain works exceptionally well against this; almost like a rival who's one step ahead.

"You cycled, getting 6 1/1s? I'll cycle after that, making it a Bi-cycle.... ha!"

"oh, you paid 12 mana to get 4x 4/4 angels? I'D BE A SHAME IF I PLAYED A BOARDWIPE!"
Posted By: Ferlord (8/4/2012 11:25:31 AM)


Why is this higher rated than Entreat the Angels?!?!?!?!?!
Posted By: EKraj (9/21/2012 11:49:24 AM)


@EKraj - Possibly due to the situational nature of Entreat. Sure, you can pop out a lot of angels with Entreat, but you're not guaranteed to be able to cast it for its miracle cost each time. With this, you can get either the angels (for air defense) or the soldiers and a replacement card; for the most part, card advantage wins games more than a mess of big creatures.
Posted By: Alsebra (10/4/2012 12:09:32 PM)


Actually I think the cost is good. At 8 mana you get two 4/4 flyers. Possibly could make it 1 less.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/4/2012 2:28:07 AM)


Instant speed boatload of soldiers + a card.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/2/2013 10:11:41 AM)


Uncounterable and tons of card advantage! One of my favourite x costs 4.5/5
Posted By: Combofriend (7/2/2013 3:53:15 PM)


Does not activate Standstill when cycled.
Posted By: Nate_Prawdzik (7/3/2013 4:16:30 PM)


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