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This dude weighs in at around 300 pounds, he's got these bigass gorilla hands, swings a two-handed sword in one hand, has a full plate armour set, very nice and elaborate design too, they really went all out on it for him, also the shield, very expensive shield I bet... and he's 1/1. What a doofus!

Yet somehow, he occasionally manages to get the jump on a would-be adversary. And he never lets you forget it either. Somebody stuff a sock in his mouth please aaahhh
Posted By: PurpGuy (9/22/2011 3:32:42 PM)


Yea, the flavor is awesome. It's like he won't kill most humans or weak creatures because of some code of honor.
Posted By: achilleselbow (4/11/2010 3:58:54 PM)



Nha, I don't see him as "Hollywood hero", only a Hero.

Heroes are suppose to defy all logic or statistics to beat a bigger opponent or archive a impossible goal, is because THEY ARE HEROES, they are persons that can overcome great difficulties to win! Heroes give us hope, because they defy the word "impossible". That why they are heroes: Because they do what seems IMPOSSIBLE to normal people, who hero don't do that?

A Firefighter that enters in a building in flames to save ONE person, despise all people saying that is impossible, is a hero. See? Heroes struggle against the impossible. It’s what a hero does. xD
Posted By: NatalyNeeSama (7/27/2011 4:53:59 AM)


This is my favorite art for this card, because it reminds me of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, when the Witch King gets knocked off of his mount by Eowyn. That's always what I thought of this card, it really seems to embody the spirit of her character in the book (and movie); pure guts combine with skill to be able to take down what no one else could.
Posted By: sarroth (9/11/2010 8:05:11 AM)


I just have one fake word to say, "gigantomancer."
Posted By: Tommy9898 (10/24/2010 12:02:57 PM)


nice card combo with power boasting cards to make it less situational and your laughing
Posted By: Mindbend (6/8/2010 11:43:10 AM)


Don't know why... But this card bothers me.
Well, I have never been much for the under dog though...
I am currious as to what him killing Emrakul would actually look like...
Posted By: Zoah (9/13/2010 11:25:51 PM)


7th edition art is better
Posted By: RJ.693 (3/19/2011 5:00:29 PM)


Great flavour text.
Posted By: Ancient_Mossdog (5/13/2011 8:34:01 PM)


The Hollywood hero that defies basic physics, statistics or common sense!

It was an interesting card too, though punishing big creatures is probably not what Wizards wants anymore, since big creatures are already naturally hindered by their costs.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/13/2011 1:40:12 AM)


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