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I know the guy who's deck list was published on here based around the Stuffy Doll/Guilty Conscience combo.
Posted By: ninjaboy05 (11/18/2009 7:08:05 PM)


Stuffy Doll + Guilty Conscience combo. Nice, but defeated by Platnium Angel or other effects that state you cannot lose the game. Of which one is an instant for {W}.
Posted By: Habreno (10/30/2012 5:14:11 PM)


This art is just anotha example of the white devil keepin' a black man down! Just look at it! First you got a dead white boy laying on the ground, and a brotha slinkin' away from the scene of the crime. Then you gotta place the crime in a white neighborhood (note the white women loosin' her sh*t in the background) portrayin' the black man as already out of "his element"; this point is further emphasized by the fact that the women is in some fine-ass threads, while the brotha is dressed like he just escaped from his "masters" chain gang. Lastly, the whole scene is takin place on what color card? WHITE! A card named "guilty conscience", tellin' a framed brotha' he oughta be feeling guilty for killin his massa! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit........ A fine card, a fine-ass card indeed! ;)
Posted By: Pennsic_Mercenary (12/25/2013 9:35:16 PM)


not so win with stuffy. unless you add in something to stop it, its an unlimited combo with no intervening may. thus the game ends in a draw

@NoobOfLore: I'm fairly certain that if at any time an infinite combo goes off without some sort of "may" clause to allow a player to stop it, even if the combo would instantly win the game ends in a draw unless any play chooses to cast a spell to stop the loop before it starts. There for there is no way to kill someone using the doll and this. Same thing with Nive Mizzit the firemind and Helm of the Ghastlord, even though the combo would instantly win you the game, it counts as unending loop and thus the game is a draw. Stupid i know, but unless they've changed the rules sense i last looked it up than thats how it works
Posted By: bijart_dauth (7/4/2011 8:27:25 PM)


Posted By: okaaaaay (6/3/2011 5:39:45 PM)


If it wasn't for stuffy, this card would have been long forgotten.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/25/2012 5:14:58 PM)


I surprised a fair few people with the same combo using Mogg Maniac + Blessings of Leeches back before the doll existed. But yeh, it does work better that way.
Posted By: nibelheim_valesti (6/23/2010 12:27:42 PM)


It's also good on Phytohydra, but the Stuffy Doll combo is simply incredible.
Posted By: Chamale (11/10/2010 4:44:12 PM)


That flavor text gives me goosebumps...
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (4/28/2011 12:59:00 AM)


One of the most "artistic" pieces of art I've seen in Magic. One of Christopher Moeller's best.
Posted By: DysprosiumJudas (5/30/2011 12:42:39 AM)


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