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So good it got a nickname :). Too bad the nickname was "Stick" <.<
Posted By: thaviel (4/21/2009 8:28:51 PM)


Yeah, you can't imprint Time Walk on Isochron Scepter because Time walk is a Sorcery.
Posted By: ekolby (7/27/2009 10:30:09 AM)


God I can't wait till this rotates out of Extended. Amazing card, just overused.
Posted By: Yuyuko (11/20/2008 9:00:09 PM)


Sloppy card design at its most extreme. Throughout my history as a Magic player, I've ususally noticed right away what cards were unbalanced and "broken". High Tide, Force of Will, Contamination - I could tell instantly that the Wizards hadn't done proper playtesting. A few sleepers did evade me, such as Zuran Orb. With others, though, like this Isochron Scepter, it's hard to imagine just how WotC could have dropped the ball like that, especially this late in their history of card designing.

Seriously, Isochron Scepter? A card that allows you to cast a Lightning Bolt or Counter Spell again and again, for a rather modest initial investment and very little subsequent cost? What the HELL were they thinking? This would have been unthinkable even in the days of Alpha.

This just about qualifies as the most unbalanced, "broken" Magic card of all time - in a tie with Price of Progress (1R: You win the game). Oh... should I mention that Price of Progress is an insta... (see all)
Posted By: DrJack (8/2/2011 9:53:36 PM)


Glimpse the Unthinkable is a sorcery. you can not stick it.
Posted By: BladeAce (9/13/2009 2:13:04 PM)


Orim's Chant is another good one, as is Boomerang.

My favourite though is Memory Lapse - especially with an Arcane Laboratory on the table... I'd only play that against people who've done something terrible to thorougly deserve it, though.
Posted By: stygimoloch (12/2/2008 5:32:52 AM)


glimpse the unthinkable is a sorc...
you are the second person to make that mistake?
Stick only works with instants.
Posted By: Myxomorph (6/14/2009 1:49:01 PM)


Good with Abeyance too, which also lets you draw a card for card advantage!

And why are some ppl suggesting stuff that aren't instants or have a CMC of more than 2?
Posted By: nammertime (11/19/2009 1:30:14 PM)


I play it with Snap and Counterspell. Snap keeps your lands open, and any experienced blue mage will tell you that it's nice to have two free islands at the end of every turn.

I used to play this with Boomerang to stall people at 2 land, but that's a dirty trick so I stopped using it.

And honestly, this card isn't so overpowered. Once you've played it for a while, you realize a few drawbacks.

First of all, it only works if you have an instant in your hand to piggyback onto it. Second of all, if you don't have one in your hand right away, it makes you want to hoard your instants in anticipation of it, which can be a waste of time if you never draw it.

Third, turning your instants into permanents makes them vulnerable to removal. And finally, you lose the element of surprise with counterspells, so your opponent will start playing around it.

I used to play 4 sticks in my control deck, but I tuned it down to 3 becaus... (see all)
Posted By: brian_james (8/11/2010 3:36:35 PM)


...retarded. Everywhere, for all of time
Posted By: ZombieSnail (7/30/2010 5:28:37 AM)


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