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Community Rating: 4.215 / 5  (72 votes)
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Costs mana!!
Posted By: qk1 (9/28/2013 2:39:35 AM)


Tempest was one of the first sets where the developers decided to loosen the reins on negative side effects, and allow for spells with big effects to be one-sided, provided that they were costed fairly. This led to spells like this, as well as the oft-forgotten Flame Wave.

As for the spell itself, it oftentimes spells doom for your opponent. Green is a powerful color for mana acceleration, so it's very easy to get a ton of creatures out in short order. Trample gives those creatures an additional edge against chump blockers, and there are times when it is the correct play just to force through some extra damage even if you only have a couple of attackers. The prohibitive cost and sorcery speed make this card well-balanced and fair, so it's not surprising this has been reprinted quite a few times. The fact that it has always been uncommon also increases the chances you'll see it in Limited. Definitely a high draft pick.
Posted By: Equinox523 (3/5/2014 7:14:02 AM)


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