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Community Rating: 4.298 / 5  (126 votes)
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Well I used this yesterday in EDH to pull Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger. One of my opponents literally screamed, another buried his face in his hands, the third one's face looked gradually sicker as he read the two cards and the fourth one just nodded and played a Damnation on his turn. I still got seven cards out of it so it was just me and him and the other three died pretty quickly.

This is an autoinclude in any EDH deck running green.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/15/2013 7:58:02 PM)


I use this with camel.
Posted By: thisisthedave1 (5/23/2013 2:32:57 PM)


"I've never seen a resolved Tooth and Nail NOT straight-up win the game in EDH."

I have done that quite a few times actually... Though it doesn't technically count, as if I don't win immediately, I win shortly after. Usually because I don't have all the combo pieces, just enough that I can get the rest of them from after resolving. Rune-Scarred Demon is generally the target for those scenarios.

That being said, pulling Palinchron and Vorinclex into infinite mana, and using Laboratory Maniac, and Blue Sun's Zenith for the win in EDH Multiplayer is perhaps my favorite way to win. Ever.
Posted By: SquirePath (8/4/2013 6:00:54 PM)


This is the card to own of the two versions of this. This artwork alone gives it a 5/5. This is an end game card in any mono green deck.
Posted By: Deadling (8/29/2013 4:58:57 AM)


i ramp up to this bad boy every last friday of the month, that's when they hold modern FNM at my shop. I love it! storm crow forever! baby
Posted By: moonmist103 (10/7/2013 1:34:39 PM)


5/5 - Easy choice.

My combo-drop of choice:

Avacyn, Angel of Hope + Archetype of Endurance.

That is a big "f**k you" to the face.
Posted By: MortisAngelus (4/3/2014 9:31:37 AM)


I will fight Tooth and Nail to get my Mountain Goat, and Storm Crow onto the battlefield.
Posted By: TheMonsterClips (5/26/2014 1:28:35 PM)


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