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Well a 7/7 for five mana is good. With Harmonic Sliver out, this card can destroy artis and enchants for two mana while putting out 1/1 bodies. I'd say this card deserves to have such a high rating.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/9/2012 8:09:56 AM)


I remember when I first started playing, I tried to make a Sliver deck (this was during Legions, when they came back.) Obviously, I considered Queenie over here. She was 20 bucks at the time... her price has probably gone up significantly since then.

Yeah, this is a pretty sought after card, whether to boost your slivers or to get some infinite combo.

Unfortunately, they can never reprint her: She's on the Reserved List. :(
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (12/13/2012 7:58:23 AM)


I love this card i have it for my sliver deck. I only need Mana Echoes and i am good to go. I would have infinite 1/1 sliver tokens at turn six.
Posted By: Elementers (1/3/2013 5:38:08 PM)


She's a planeswalker. There's no valid argument against this being the case.

Think about it... There's Sliver Queen, happily clicking and chattering away in her nest, tending to her babies, guarding the legacy artifacts, etc.
Volcano her nest was on erupted. Sliver Queen almost died.
Sliver Queen's traumatic experience ignited her spark, causing her ascension.
Left Rath before the volcano completely killed her.

She's out there... watching, waiting, and now has a spark, meaning she can use extremely powerful magic. It's only a matter of time before she comes out of nowhere with an army of several billion hasted, untargeteable, indestructible, unblockable, and double striking little buggies that can claw their way out of graveyards.

We're doomed. Not even Bolas could handle that ****.
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (1/3/2013 8:49:37 PM)


For people saying that this is too cheap and easy to use as a general, there are far more effective things you can do with the broken format of edh
Zur can draw 15 cards off of necropotence the turn after he swings
My personal edh teysavcan go infinite turn 3 and kill all players on the table ( that's god hand realistically it can go off turn 6 consitently killing all damage)
That all being said I don't feel she's that powerful really as an edh general sliver overlord is a much worse having the ability to tutor every turn
Posted By: Trollking21 (2/7/2013 10:19:39 PM)


Aluren + Recycle + Hibernation Sliver + 2 Soul Warden = Lay down your entire Library on the battlefield, less a few cards. Fill Library full of <3 CMC slivers (Heart, Winged, Musle, Gemhide, Basal) and soul wardens = win. Then you can drop her on the field right before you attack for some insult to injury action.
Posted By: Palantin (2/8/2013 7:57:11 PM)


@dlgn: because "Legend" used to be a creature type instead of the Supertype "Legendary"

Unlike "Sphinx of the Steel Wind" she doesn't even bother asking that question. You. Just. Die.

This card needs a new page on Gatherer for the Commander Oversized card. :/ Oh, well.

Suggested Flavor Text for any sneaky-under-the-table reprints a.l.a. Oversized cards:

"God save us from the Queen." --Famous Last Words nobody ever heard.
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/7/2013 10:12:44 AM)


It took me ages to realize, but the random colors on her are actually tiny slivers of each of the five colors. And when I say tiny, I mean normal sized slivers. They are just tiny in comparison...
Posted By: Megadog (6/25/2013 9:57:42 PM)


Sliver Sliver.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (10/6/2013 2:52:56 PM)


When I got ahold of one for $5.00 after Legions released, my sliver deck became public enemy number one at the school lunch table. Thank god I had the foresight to put the deck into sleeves after she showed up. Crystal Quarry and Cryptic Gateway were my solutions to playing her in a GW deck.
Ah, nostalgia...
Posted By: Gandlodder (11/11/2013 6:43:51 PM)


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