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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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why the hell is this card not a 5/5? this card is SO much better than jank like yawgmoth's will, tolarian academy, and time twister. this card is ALWAYS good.

I hate rate a lot of cards, but not black lotus...
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/18/2011 1:00:22 PM)


Two of these can bring out three Storm Crows on turn 1. If that's not card advantage, I don't know what is.
Posted By: RJDroid (11/27/2011 3:16:24 PM)


I'd hate to take away from this card's brilliance, but, in a black deck at least, Dark Ritual is almost as good. To anyone wondering, I wasn't one of the people who didn't give it 5/5.
Also, Blacker Lotus is better.
Posted By: Subtle_Kay (6/27/2012 11:52:44 AM)


I didn't rate the card, I simply can't. It's obviously a legend, an infamous card. And rightly should be, because it's so powerful. But it's too powerful. I can't in good conscience give it a 5/5 knowing that this card breaks the game so much, but I cannot rate it anything less for fear of its mighty powers.
Posted By: iAmTheTot (10/4/2012 8:35:04 PM)


Over a thousand dollars!?!?!?! This is malarky. Wizards should reprint this so I can play vintage... It's not even that good. It gets sacced and used in only one turn. You expect me to pay a rediculous amount for something that goes to the graveyard every game? Zombie Goliath is way better than this card. ITS A 4/3!!!! YOU GET IT ON BOARD AND WIN IN 5 TURNS!!!! ALL THIS THOUSAND DOLLAR PIECE OF CARDBOARD DOES IS PRODUCE MANA!!! AND IT ALL HAS TO BE THE SAME COLOUR! PFFFFT!!
Posted By: Ultofrost (6/19/2013 6:40:59 PM)


it's a black lotus any questions?
novice magic player: ok why is this card any good? it only puts 3 mana of any one color in your mana pool and is gone when your turn is over.
me: well lets see. how much mana does it cost?
novice magic player: 0 mana but still it's only 3 mana of any one color used once
me: ok well you play a land your first turn don't you?
novice magic player: umm yeah
me: so that means you can use 4 mana your first turn 3 of which is any color of your choice. how do we cast spells?
novice magic player: with mana
me : THERE YOU HAVE IT!!! that is why it is the most flexible card in the game!!!
novice magic player: OHHHH!!!!
Posted By: trizoney (8/5/2013 10:42:28 PM)


I want to kill everyone who hates this card.
Posted By: Xlo51 (1/19/2014 8:35:45 PM)


You guys know this started selling for 5 dollars in Beta right? *Giggle*

Back then there wasn't any of this sissy restricted list either. I know of one guy who had like 10 Betas in his deck. The game was still fun. You could do the same, and more.

Thank you whoever pasted the dumb stuff people have said... I literally laughed out loud at how someone said "You can shatter it".... Yea, right... Lol. I'm so glad no one in my city is that damn stupid where they think on turn 0 they can magically cast shatter on this before it's used to power out whatever you're using it for.

I've never countered this, and no one has ever countered mine. Why would you, you counter what they use it for. Don't ever counter or kill a Mana source that you have to sac to use, you counter what they try casting with it.
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (3/12/2010 12:11:23 PM)


Turn 1:
Forest, Black lotus: Sacrifice to play Garruk Wildspeaker: -1; 3/3 Beast
Turn 2:
Forest, tap both, then untap using Garruk, and tap again for the wilt-leaf liege, attack with 4/4 beast, probably blocked, but through: 16 life
Turn 3:
Forest, tap all, untap two: +1, cast Ant Queen (or whatsoever), attack with 4/4 and 4/4: 8 life
Turn 4:
Garruk's -4, attack with 25: -17 life

I know that this can be more efficient, garruk during turn one is just fun
Posted By: fanofmagic (2/3/2011 10:36:52 AM)


Best Magic card of all time.
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (6/25/2011 4:55:52 PM)


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