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Best card in the game. For those who don't agree, consider a starting hand in a black deck. 4 of these, 2 dark rituals, and 1 Consume Spirit. 4x3(lotus) = 12 + 2x2(rituals) = 16 mana - 2 for casting cost = 14 as the X in consume spirit = You gain 14 life, opponent lose 14 life. Turn one. If you went first its not even counterable.

And I am sure there are better uses for it, but for someone who fails to see the use of this card, its a perfect example. If you dont understand 3 mana, maybe you will understand 14 damage and 14 life gain on turn 1.
Posted By: Kurhan (10/30/2009 7:35:42 PM)


Currently £599.99 on MagicMadHouse ... WHY!?!
So much for a single card ... idgi
Posted By: 10Fold (2/23/2011 6:54:09 AM)


Not the best card ever...that's ancestral vision...but amazing nonetheless!
Posted By: Peaceout734 (11/16/2008 3:03:11 PM)

...Ancestral Vision, not Ancestral Recall? anyway i'd still rather have four black lotuses in any deck than four recalls
Posted By: steamedrice (1/22/2009 1:32:12 PM)


You have to sacrifice it, thats awful.
What a bad remake of gilded lotus.
Over the course of 4 turns a basic land gives more mana.
Posted By: BlackLotusIsTerrible (9/19/2010 2:52:43 PM)


I really wish the designers of the original game had realized that rarity alone could not balance this card. I think this and the rest of the power 9 should have had their casting costs increased by 1 each. That way they would have been powerful, but not so powerful they had to be included in every serious Vintage deck.
Posted By: silentbobus (6/15/2009 7:46:10 PM)


One of the worst cards ever printed.... The point of the game is to be able to interact with your opponent, cards that enable first turn kills are by definition bad for the game as they make it so you have little-no interaction with your opponent.
Posted By: darthwingnut (11/24/2008 5:34:07 AM)


Best card ever printed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a set of 4 in your deck, get a lucky first draw with lets say 2 of them and a big creature and 1 or 2 lands and there you have it, a big creature on your 1st turn. Your opponent won't even notice what hit them.
Posted By: Fire_Master (11/28/2009 8:26:57 AM)


Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of Etherium You Are So Awesome!!!Master Of ... (see all)
Posted By: twiddleman12 (8/24/2012 11:09:25 AM)


Kind of stupid that they ever made this card...
Posted By: Chimzar (11/12/2008 4:55:16 PM)


Exceptionally strong card, but for an ability that can be close to replicated by Dark Ritual for only one more mana, I stick by Ancestral Recall as the true gem of the power eight (give Time Twister the boot already...).
Posted By: TheMonadNomad (4/24/2009 6:24:57 PM)


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