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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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the best card in magic ever printed... ancestral recall/vision is alright, but works in only 1/5th of all decks (it needs blue mana)... this thing fits in ALL decks, no matter if u play sleigh, control or even millstone, this rocks...
Posted By: spoonish (5/10/2009 9:24:27 AM)


Amazing card!!! what shall I say about that?? A powerful mana-boost that can be played in ervery deck easiely... TOP
Posted By: Infinis-Nocturnus (10/30/2009 4:28:36 PM)


dies to removal.
Posted By: capitalR (2/9/2010 8:48:56 PM)


dies to Force of Will 0.5/5
Marcl91 even if you go first they can still Force of Will it so it gets 0.5/5 ratting in my book.
Posted By: dragonking987 (3/7/2011 1:40:14 PM)


It's okay that this card is considered so absurdly good by some and thus expensive... if only there weren't cards like Meltdown, Builder's Bane, Detonate and many, many more that counter it outright (for 1 mana!).
Since interrupt rules are now obsolete, you just disregard the second line of the 'Black Lotus' text. If you don't think I'm right about this, take a search on Gatherer for 'Black Lotus' and you'll get:
"Tap, Sacrifice Black Lotus: Add three mana of any one color to your mana pool." No mention of interrupts. This means that this card is not - I'll say that twice for just in case - IS NOT a (sic!) 'permanent counterspell'.
So this card is just a nice way of getting three mana per game for 0 cost.
Is it worth 1000 €? I don't think so.
Posted By: greendestiny (7/20/2009 10:15:00 AM)


If it was the worst card ever printed it wouldn't be banned. It's just amazingly broken.
Posted By: Judgement-Day (12/10/2008 10:34:02 AM)


Not bad... Not bad at all... To my knowledge, this little sucker could improve almost any deck. Its only problem is that it's not game ending in any way. It will set you up, absolutely. If, however, its not in your first hand, it's likely to be of little use.

Usually empty my hand relatively fast and I need very little manna to function, so if I drew it latter in the game I doubt I would use it. Then, even if it is in the first hand, you need something big enough to use with it, but not so big that you can't...

The problem with this is actually quite the opposite problem that many cards have. A lot of cards I have seen need an entire deck structured around them to function... This one on the other hand cant combo with anything, at all. Its just a matter of you drawing it at the right time: early.

base rating: ***

easiest manna to get in the game: +**
In possible to structure around: -*

A pity... and supposedly the best magic card ever, and defiantly the most valuable... it dose ha... (see all)
Posted By: Zoah (1/11/2010 11:54:38 PM)


Yeah, as soon as you play it from your hand, you have 1 less card in hand than opponent. In hyper-competitive play, that is very bad card advantage.
Now it's more of a rite of passage to own for those who are willing to sacrifice more for a card game.
Combines well with atog.
Posted By: car2n (2/19/2010 1:41:13 AM)


This cards power, certainly in the early game cannot be denied but the simple fact of the matter is that this card is no longer relevant, it can't be used in standard or extended, isn't going to crop up in limited, is banned in legacy, restricted in vintage and just too damned expensive for casual.

Great card, but really, there's no point in arguing about it because it's more of a collectors item than a viable addition to any deck.
Posted By: Concerned_Bystander (3/8/2011 6:00:38 AM)


This comment is a quote about this card from another site, is there any truth to this?

the black lotus is a good way to add mana, we get it, but has anyone paid attention to its other affect? it has the ability to interrupt or stop a certain spell, that is the reason this card is so expensive and hard to get, all a player has to do is tap the card and it can stop one spell per turn and then just wait for his/her turn and stop another one. the card doesnt go away for the interrupt to take affect, the black lotus stays on the field even after that effect and the only reason it leaves the field is if u use the only ability that everyone else knows and use it for pointless mana, why havent any of u figured that out already

If this statement is true then the black lotus serves as a permanent counterspell right?
Posted By: wgillespie (7/14/2009 8:28:21 PM)


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