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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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yeah this needs to be rated higher. so i'm voting
Posted By: Drewid (1/9/2012 9:56:59 AM)


Dies to Doom Blade, .5/5

No, but really, this is a pretty insane card. I don't see why Vampire Nocturnus is rated higher than it.
Posted By: RunedServitor (1/20/2012 7:07:05 AM)


What to say about Black Lotus that hasn't already been said?

It just has that majestic aura of being the one card everyone (even those who know nothing about M:TG) knows and knows well.

I'm sure all of us have stared at it in awe through the glass at our local game store or checked auctions for it on eBay, just hoping that one day we can hold one in our hands and call it our own.

One day...
Posted By: Ipsilont (2/11/2012 6:52:41 PM)


i used to own 2 of these during my time collecting years ago. Amazed the collectability has increased that this card is supposedly valued that much. Coming back to playing again just recent with some old friends i suppose it's no surprise, as it seems that the game is still thriving. Anyways about the card, it used to be the staple of all our decks, unless we were playing in a fun group deck you really used it for every deck you wanted to be competitive with. It was most effective for quick starts. It wasn't too far fetched to draw a Lotus, a Mox, a Sol Ring, and a strip mine on the first turn, giving you 6 mana and just use the Strip Mine to scrub your opponents first land. Even when buried within your library, the three free mana of any color most always provided utility, usually on multi-colored decks.
i read how people would love to have one, and i understand. They were fun, but even back in the day when they were still obtainable, people understood they were sort of ridicu... (see all)
Posted By: sk00kes (2/19/2012 4:44:29 PM)


There are a ton of ways to win on turn one with this card, assuming you had the absolute most perfect hand. (We also came up with a couple of ways to kill yourself. :D)

First off, here's one for all you dragon players. Black lotus, lotus petal, seething song x 4, dragonstorm, grab four kokushos and win.

Then, you can go with artifacts. Black lotus, lightning greaves, sol ring, Tolarian Academy, tinker. Sacrifice your sol ring, go for a blightsteel colossus, lightning greaves it and swing for the kill. (This can be done without the black lotus if you replace it with a lotus petal and a memnite.)

Also, we have phage the untouchable. Black lotus, dark ritual x 3, and then lightning greaves and phage. This one also works with a swam... (see all)
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (3/9/2012 6:25:15 AM)


So, to all the people who have never seen one, just a few weeks ago I was able to lay a finger upon one. An experience that rivals my first FNM win, at least.

It's really pretty breathtaking to think that one day there could be a card turning up in our collections worth more than five thousand dollars apiece.
Posted By: OmegaReborn (3/25/2012 10:59:30 PM)


It's probably rated low sometimes because for all intents and purposes, for most people, it might as well not even exist.
Posted By: agentvirgo (4/15/2012 9:22:30 PM)


This'll go great in your Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary EDH deck.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (5/6/2012 9:07:19 PM)


Oh, look! Some people aren't giving it a 5/5! After all, it's only three mana, which could trigger a turn one win.

Posted By: Bogmire (5/27/2012 5:29:40 AM)


You might as well be cheating if you're using this card.

I imagine there's a little voice in every MTG player that tells them to not use this card.
Posted By: Drewsel (5/29/2012 7:51:48 AM)


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