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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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Guys why rate this under 5? a few cards that are rated higher than this are Time walk, hymn to tourach , mox emerald, rubY, and sapphire, toaren academy, Gaea's cradle and vampire nocturnes by .003 (I just made it.001 higher by rating it 5 stars )c'mon let's get black lotus' rating higher or at least the same. If they were the same that would be funny.
Posted By: Justin133Nivmizzet1 (8/24/2012 10:09:39 AM)


Easily the best artifact in this game. And it speaks for itself.
Posted By: MassiveMassive (8/28/2012 12:04:20 PM)


One of those cards that simply never should have been printed.

Because Vampire Nocturnus isn't broken.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (9/30/2012 3:57:13 PM)


This is the first time I notice it, but... It's actually dark purple.
Posted By: kazenpaus (10/10/2012 9:09:16 AM)


This card is pretty good.
Posted By: Kurraga (10/29/2012 6:27:27 AM)


They made of one single color so it wouldn't be overpowered...Ha!
Posted By: HellkatOverlord (11/5/2012 8:34:39 PM)


Hail to the chief.
Posted By: ICManipulator (11/10/2012 7:54:54 PM)


What do you need when you're on the draw and he naturally drops Time Vault, Voltaic Key? Rip the lotus off the top, to drop the Helm of Obedience, with the Leyline of the Void in play.
Pfft for playing anything but care-bears without power....
Posted By: jontagion (11/20/2012 3:44:20 PM)


I have actually seen one of these in real life. It was an awe inspiring moment. Then even more awe inspiring when I beat the guy who was using this and multiple moxen. :D
Posted By: MithosFall (11/21/2012 9:42:45 PM)


Card of the Day, December 17th, 2012
Black Lotus is coming to MTGO for those of you who play that.
Having this card in your hand usually means that you are able to play a card that you usually wouldn't be able to play for a long time. That means it gives you some virtual card advantage, although that is negated by the fact that you lose the lotus in the process, so the net card advantage is 0 (sort of). What Black Lotus really gives you is incredible tempo. With just this one little piece of cardboard, you can be turns ahead of your opponent(s). And that is why it is so good.
Would I first pick it in MTGO Online Cube? Maybe, maybe not, depending on what else I were to choose from.
Posted By: pedrodyl (12/17/2012 8:12:27 AM)


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