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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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I don't understand how anyone can vote this card down. This is the one card I expected to see a 5/5 on no matter what. I started playing in 2003 or so and still looked at this card and realized how amazing it was. I got to see it in person back then during FNM. One of the best days in my magic playing life.
Posted By: OpeeFomenom (8/9/2010 3:44:47 PM)


This is probably the only card ever printed that can go into 99.9% of all decklists ever created, and make them better decks.
Posted By: Hambot (11/13/2008 8:13:39 PM)


It dies to Shatter?? Are you kidding me? Do you even play Magic? Get a clue man.
Posted By: thezanet (3/8/2010 4:44:33 PM)


This card is really an indicator of how well you understand magic, if you don't see what the hype is with this card, you are generally a really basic player, if you get it and this card blows your mind, then your a midrange player or better.
(there are false positives and negatives obviously, just like an aids test)
Posted By: RealMorridin (3/31/2010 7:24:51 PM)


Sac Black lotus for any combo then get it back with yawgmoth's will for a later combo. There's ways to get black lotus in an early game, you have to think!
Posted By: rhcjrtoon (2/25/2011 6:11:43 AM)


Wizards of the Coast went completely mad!

Flowers are not artifacts!!!
Posted By: luxma (3/22/2011 2:45:05 PM)


Worst card ever. I can't see any reason that anyone would play this card. Worse than Channel and Banefire combined. 6/5
Posted By: statiefreez (5/16/2010 11:38:59 AM)


power 9
Posted By: high_tide_niv (6/3/2010 9:58:35 PM)


I vote they reprint this. Just for the lol's. Then immediatly ban it. For additional lol's. It would be nice to see the price drop like a bomb. Honestly for the cost of one of these, you can get a used car. One of the two will get you laid alot more. Guess which one. As far as the card goes, freaking awesome of course. But so is 2 grand.
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (8/30/2010 2:28:32 PM)


Some of you guys are nuts. This is and always will be the best card. Who doesn't want three mana for free? It goes in every deck. Besides, every collectible needs a holy grail. Otherwise we'd be playing a CG, not a CCG...
Posted By: apocalypsecq (2/11/2009 3:24:26 PM)


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