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Community Rating: 4.731 / 5  (1174 votes)
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@ClockworkSwordfish: They still haven't invented fairness. However, Balance was around at the same time and was anything but balanced.
Posted By: lukemol (3/26/2010 10:39:20 AM)


As one poster said, the "holy grail" of magic. Easily top 3 best card ever printed (other two being ancestral recall and time walk)
Posted By: B1indFremen (5/13/2009 10:53:10 PM)


With Dark Ritual? Turn 1 Grave Titan.
Posted By: TheKeiser (9/24/2010 5:12:49 PM)


Like it or not, Magic is fundamentally a race to win; the Black Lotus gives you a 3 turn head start on your opponent in this race. Furthermore, it is not restricted to any particular color of deck. Anyone who doesn't like the Lotus has probably never had the chance to play with one.
Posted By: Guest1065687906 (6/4/2009 8:42:12 AM)


I had a friend who collected Lotus' he had over 200 the last time I saw him. I remember random people opening his binder at conventions "HOLY S%#!"
Posted By: Pontiac (2/26/2011 10:18:53 AM)


This has a lower rating than dark ritual??? Haha wow. Let me explain this with a race analogy: you play this card and you're automatically right in front of the finish line. Play a yawgmoth's will with this card in a competent deck and you'll have crossed the finish line, freshened up, gotten dinner at a busy restaurant, and have come back just in time to kick your opponent in the groin--and they still haven't crossed the finish-line yet.
Posted By: spectermonger (3/14/2010 6:52:20 PM)


This is definitely a card that should never have been printed. There are other cards that are more broken (as in broken more often at any point of gameplay) than Black Lotus. However, none of them have the potential for first turn abuse like this card. As it's been mentioned before, EVERY deck gets better simply by having this card in it. 5/5
Posted By: kowrip (6/4/2010 7:52:13 PM)


I did this at a local vintage tournament:
T1: Black Lotus, Island, dropped TWO storm crows. My opponent scooped. Was SOOO cash!
Posted By: Pinsir52 (10/6/2010 7:51:07 PM)


Insanely broken. but i would want one :P if only it wasnt so expensive :(

i dont know what happened to wizards when they printed this and the mox cards, i mean, they just went crazy, the game could have ended up so broken it would be trash, you cant make a card that works in evry single deck, and that every single deck will use, if you do, its broken.
Posted By: Tobolococo (2/20/2011 9:46:05 AM)


My reaction to this card was what hde128 said about the art on glimpse the unthinkable

Posted By: iSlapTrees (5/4/2011 7:28:19 PM)


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