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Community Rating: 4.710 / 5  (69 votes)
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one of the best cards ever printed
Posted By: Sharpyarpy (12/12/2011 11:49:23 PM)


Harry, Ron, and Hermione... almost.
Posted By: RocOfKherRidges (3/14/2013 11:16:35 PM)


I like to think that the guy on the right who is laughing just cast a windfall
Posted By: omni8000 (4/10/2013 11:08:23 AM)


i get that this is slightly broken, but, i think what's missing to consider here is that they recently reprinted a legal version of this in whispering madness. sure it costs one more black mana to cast, but you can do it again and again and again, especially in a standard format when you stick it on an invisible stalker. so maybe it shouldn't be banned in legacy, maybe only restricted... especially when cards like aluren are legal in legacy.
Posted By: raptorman333 (1/22/2014 1:49:01 PM)


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