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Community Rating: 4.431 / 5  (102 votes)
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This + soul warden = infinite life.
Posted By: Wprundv (11/22/2011 12:38:17 AM)


Chaety Face LOL Turn 0 2/2 Flyer Game Pretty Much Over. This Card Rules
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (8/9/2009 12:55:01 PM)


Use Goblin Game and cheat as many Cheatyfaces as you can while your opponent is finding an item to hide.
Posted By: tcollins (12/13/2013 12:53:24 PM)



Your opponent should not have gotten to attack with them on his/her turn. If you had realized that all of a sudden 20 more cards are on the table (and i'm assuming you did) then your oppponent would have to discard them. Unless you chose not to exile Cheatyface when you noticed them. Which is your choice.
Posted By: divine_exodus (9/30/2010 1:27:22 PM)


I put this guy into play underneath my first land of a game. On my second turn I revealed it and attacked. My opponent freaked out! He kept saying that as soon as I revealed it was when I played it so he could remove it from the game at that time. I told him that I sneakily played it in on the previous turn. We spent more time arguing about the card then it was worth. Really funny idea but not a good card to play with if your opponent bugs out!
Posted By: Pantheon (11/21/2012 8:28:18 AM)


I always keep a few copies hidden in sleeves of my other cards when I'm playing with friends.
Just slide it out of the sleeve when you're ready to attack!
It was in play when I played the other card after all :D
Posted By: Plum (3/4/2010 9:32:55 PM)


So I put this in a mono green deck for a giant multiplayer game. Some one attacked the guy with howling mines and mana flare out, so I giant growthed the thing for leathal. Everyone was trying to kill the creature that they didn't notice my play 3 of these XD
Posted By: wolfbear2 (3/8/2010 11:47:38 PM)


Use Ashnod's coupon or goblin game as a sure fire way to distract them.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (3/12/2010 3:50:17 PM)


I love this card. Wish I had some.
Posted By: Toan133 (3/14/2010 9:30:43 PM)


This card is either hilarious or really effin' annoying.
Posted By: Champion_Kitsune (3/15/2010 6:23:31 PM)


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