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Undoubtedly flavor is this cards strongsuit. But consider the implications! You can use the equip ability to move Shuriken from one creature to another and then throw it in response to the equip! Your opponent gains control of Shuriken and then Shuriken becomes attached to your creature! You get an extra ping and could could even hit your own creature to gain control again!
Posted By: Shushoto (11/3/2010 10:37:20 AM)


i only wish its activated ability cost one mana instead of tapping the creature. that way your ninja can throw it while its attacking to get rid of a potential blocker.
Posted By: altf4ninja (11/11/2010 8:30:55 PM)


@Kevyyb ur question has already been answered, I figured I'd explain why...when your buddy activates the cost on the first one (can't do them all at once, things don't happen simultaneously), the tap is part of the cost...it's done even before the ability resolves. Your buddy can try to respond by using another shuriken, but the creature will already be tapped, and the cost can't be paid. If it wasn't a cost, but said :shuriken deals 2 damage, blah blah blah, then tap creature: it wouldn't be a cost, and wouldn't happen until the ability resolved...and he could respond with the others. As it is, He can only use one at a time.
Posted By: Telltalereaper (10/27/2011 1:46:33 PM)


This card is great for clearing the field of enemy's in order to make way for cards like Mistblade Shinobi.
By using this against the same enemy multiple times, you can quickly make up for its weak attack power.

I used this on my Brother a few months back when he stopped by to visit, hes been playing for about 4 years longer than me, and even his jaw dropped at the speed I took out his monsters. (ok so he laughed and called me a few choice words, but still.)
Posted By: Nayban (8/1/2010 3:05:44 PM)


I'm so Vorthos that I absolutely cannot play a ninja deck without playing these!
Posted By: OrzhovGhostCouncil (5/4/2010 5:40:42 PM)


funny as hell card

unfortunately it's rather weak
Posted By: mdakw576 (2/10/2010 10:38:07 PM)


Further proof that ninja are bada$$
And yeah, shuriken are ninja stars like the expansion symbol. Kunai means throwing knife. Still, awesome card.
Posted By: ZombieSnail (7/20/2010 6:38:23 AM)


Wouldn't it be called a "Kunai" instead?
Posted By: darkhissatsu (3/1/2010 7:57:01 AM)


This has to be one of the biggest art/name fails in the history of Magic; "shuriken" are throwing stars. If you want throwing knifes "kunai" is the right word to use.

That being said, this card has excellent flavor, and it's not half bad either. 2 mana, tap a ninja: deal 2 damage to any creature. This could be useful to clear the way for Ink-Eyes or other strong ninjas that you might have in your deck.

If only the name was right ... Man, if I had any I might even consider crossing out the original name and write "Kunai" next to it. When/if Wizards do a new take on the Kamigawa block (as they're doing with Scars), I for one hope for a reprint of Shuriken, only it's named Kunai instead... and don't they dare printing it with throwing stars in the art ...
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (10/22/2010 1:15:44 PM)


*sniker* it a picture of kunai
Posted By: Kindulas (10/21/2010 9:57:50 PM)


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