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This card can lead to some funny (for you, not your opponent) situations.

"I play Overrun."
"Ok, counter it unless you discard your hand."
"Haha, I'm swinging for the win, so fine. No hand. Good game."
"Ok, Counterspell it now."
"God damn you! >.<"

That said, it still is less reliable than those counters where they have to pay Variable Colorless (Manaleak) as you can play around how much land they have open at the time. With this, you have no idea how good their hand is and if they want to keep it or not. It's also a completely dead card in a discard deck as when they are topdecking spells, they have no hand to discard.

Possibly combo with Telepathy effects (which help counter-based control decks anyways) but even then, you have to really know your opponent/their deck to know which option they'll choose and use it to your advantage.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (8/31/2011 1:56:16 AM)


One thing I think most people overlook is the fact that you are allowed to use this to counter a spell that you just played. Why? Choose to discard your hand. Why would I do that? That would be very situational...

If you have Brink of Madnes on the field and maybe a Megrim you can get your opponent to discard their hand.

If you have Doomed Necromancer you could use him to bring back any creature that was in your hand.

Both of these strategies are inefficient, but playable. And with the cards possibility as transmute for 3, it is pretty versatile.
Posted By: A0602 (11/10/2009 8:27:19 PM)


Very good in a discard deck. Usually a hard counter with The Rack on the table, and transmutable for Megrim, Warped Devotion and Hypnotic Specter.
Posted By: CadaverousBl00m (4/21/2009 9:28:46 PM)


I just ardor forcing the opponent to make a tough, mind splitting decision.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (6/28/2009 4:24:38 PM)


this card is a lot better than is looks. I dont use it to counter anything really, but i use it to get Mind Funeral which mills about 12-15 cards in average from my opponents library :)
Posted By: nineyears (7/4/2009 4:08:58 AM)



Like Tyrannize, this is a card that sucks purely because your opponent gets a choice. I have nothing against Fact or Fiction, or Gifts Ungiven, and is rather neutral to Browbeat, but cards like this...
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/31/2009 1:17:18 AM)


If they have a big hand then cast it. If they don't then transmute to a Mind Funeral to devestate their library. Great card in my opinion.
Posted By: Rikiaz (1/6/2011 11:28:52 AM)


good tutor but bad counter, u won't counter something precious with this since u cant decide so it can only counter some crap at the beginning
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (3/25/2011 12:49:04 PM)


Its a tinker tutor.
Posted By: roguepariah (9/23/2011 9:40:46 AM)



Actually, Its NOT a dead card. it has transmute, so you can make it a Liliana of the Veil, for example.

you dont even need to USE it as a counter. It can just be a cmc 3 tutor.
Posted By: phyrexiantrygon (1/14/2012 8:04:07 AM)


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