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Community Rating: 2.862 / 5  (239 votes)
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I don't get how this is rated so low, this is a black card people. Think about it. Turn 2, cast 2 dark riturals. Cast a tutor, then cast this in response. Empty the Eldrazi out of your hand. Tutor animate dead. And there is your Eldrazi turn 2 plus a whole not more cards in the grave you could use later. This is the ultimate play from the grave card.

It's also a great counter to Balance and any card that makes players have the same hand size or draw the same number of cards you have, and since it's block like I said you can play your cards from the grave they most likely can't.

And "One with Absolutely Nothing," would be the most broken card ever made. There are cards that bring every creature from your grave into play, and cards that bring every enchantment and artifact from your grave into play, you know that right? As long as you can give you creatures haste which would be super easy, you would win the game that turn.
Posted By: blazestudios23 (4/17/2013 10:49:18 AM)


I want to see Wizards print an instant that says "You lose the game." Mythic rare, perhaps.
Posted By: Templar314 (3/2/2012 8:58:19 PM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (5/4/2013 6:44:37 AM)


there are so many great comments here.
hellbent?...nevermind, still sucks.
Posted By: O0oze (12/13/2013 9:12:19 AM)


Sick tech for your Dark Suspicions deck. For those of you who, y'know, have a Dark Suspicions deck, for some reason.

"Man, that's a dick move, man. Don't do it, man. Just be cool. Put down the Zen spell, and be coo-- NO. NO. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
Posted By: Salient (2/5/2014 7:26:12 PM)


Posted By: MTGundy (8/14/2012 3:45:10 PM)


This card does not suck. You're all just hating on it because you're embarrassed about flaming the hell out of it, then 'oops!' looks like someone discovered it's actually completely abusable. This warrants 3 stars at a minimum for teaching everyone to never mock an innocuous so blindly again. Yes, the particular thing this card does can be done better by some other things...but few cards influenced the way people thought about cards in general more than this one. One With Nothing let the cat out of the bag: the wierd cards are awesome, and you should get all the copies your snooty dumb buddies turn their noses up at, because you never know what's going to be the next Memory Jar. It was not the first to shape people's thought's: it joins the noble ranks of Necropotence, Doubling Season, Morphling, Lightning Bolt, and I'm having difficulty thinking of others that really defined as en... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/11/2013 9:27:28 PM)


When I first saw Storm Crow I thought what the hell are you doing Wizard? This has to be the most broken card ever. Then I saw Chimney Imp, now at first I didn't think it was that good, but then someone pointed out to me it untaps for free during your untap step. It was like my mind was blown, now I know what they call him the Chimney Pimp. Definitely the best card ever right? Wrong, here comes One With Nothing. First off it combos with Mox Jet allowing you to play it Turn 1. That's right you can play this thing turn one with that insane combo. What's that didn't draw it, well luckily for you there is Demonic Tutor. Everyone knows with a card like this it is best to get it out as early as possible. Now I know a lot of you are saying, well yeah you can play it turn one with the Mox Jet super combo, but what is the point of discarding your hand? Let me ask you something how many times has your opponent played a card like Grixian Probe on you? Or Distress, or Duress, or Blood Oath? Let me... (see all)
Posted By: GordonFreechmen (7/21/2013 1:11:43 AM)


Posted By: Gezus82 (4/10/2010 11:58:02 PM)


It's a cool card but I wouldn't really use it for anything. I guess it's kinda useful for threshold.
Posted By: ion1000 (5/29/2010 5:16:22 AM)


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