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Community Rating: 3.983 / 5  (87 votes)
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Awesome with Balefire Liege. You can tell a card is great when it doesn't even need to be on the field to be good.
Posted By: Owls_and_More_Owls (8/25/2009 10:59:18 PM)


One time my hand was overflowing, so I discarded her. Overall, I benefitted more from having her in my graveyard than in my hand!

The ability's cost is utterly insane, but that doesn't matter. It's just an added goodie. (Like Apocolypse Hydra's second ability)

With Searing Meditation, I imagine this being good in a boros/lifegain deck.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (10/10/2009 11:14:02 PM)


Forget about actually casting it; you just want it in your graveyard. Use it in a dredge or madness deck to set up a completely passive life-gain engine that will frustrate any opponents hoping to take you out quickly.
Posted By: Mapache (9/8/2009 1:30:58 AM)


wish I had one.
Posted By: kjuib (12/4/2008 10:53:52 AM)


You NEED this in a WR deck.
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (7/24/2010 6:08:55 PM)


Sort of sub-par.
Posted By: the_lobotomist (11/19/2008 9:12:47 PM)


For its time, it might not have been bad, but I just don't like the feel of this card. I play R/W almost exclusively, and I just can't find a good enough reason to play this card. If it was only 5 mana, I'd consider it, but I'd still prefer Nobilis of War and of course Balefire Liege.

At the 6 mana range, there's plenty of better white Angels and red Dragons with bigger bodies and more useful abilities than first strike and gaining 1 life a turn. Her ability to return from the graveyard for 10 mana is ridiculous, because even if you've somehow managed to get that much mana, you're better of casting something that's actually worth it.

While it's an interesting card to employ because of it's use in lifegain strategies, the fact that it has two nearly-useless abilities that bump up it's casting cost well above what the creature itself is worth keeps it out of my decks. Being within bolt-range with a backend of three is just another nail in the ... (see all)
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (9/23/2011 9:55:19 AM)


Ha. It's like having a general outside of EDH.
Posted By: Russian.Thunder (11/27/2011 11:24:34 PM)


Overcosted, and that 10 mana ability is stupid.
Posted By: mdakw576 (6/22/2012 6:00:04 PM)


Faithless looting?

Get your crappy 1 life a turn, and can recriminate this later when you got the mana. This card needs a touch of powercreep.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/4/2013 10:43:34 PM)


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