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Community Rating: 2.235 / 5  (98 votes)
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I'm going to have to try this in my EDH zombie token mill deck. Sounds like it could get my Rooftop Storm out an extra two turns early and with Gravecrawler, you can't go wrong.
Posted By: kor6sic6 (11/15/2012 7:21:10 AM)


With creatures like Bloodghast and Gravecrawler running around these days... this might start showing up in Modern... at least I am going to try it ;)
Posted By: Earthdawn (4/10/2013 8:16:25 AM)


T1- Multani's Presence
T2- Blood Funnel and every 2CMC artifact you can imagine
T3- Slag Fiend? + reckless charge?

Or you could use this to tutor up nearly any card in your deck.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/29/2013 10:29:43 AM)


? ? ? ? ? What are you talking about? The card is great when combined with the right cards. Really, I don't know why everyone is rating this card so low. Think about it; Savra, Queen of the Golgari, Grave Pact, Bitterblossom, Doubling Season. With cards like these you can build a deck that works perfectly around complicated enchantments like this. Get a token generator (which is cheaper with the funnel in play) and make tokens. Get more tokens with doubling season, then play grave pact and Savra to force your opponents to sac creatures while maintaining an army of tokens. I'm sure there are other great combos that work well with this card, but I'm definitely not going to waste my time telling them to a simpleton like you.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (5/29/2009 4:57:17 PM)


goes good with the guy who makes festering goblin tokens, and festering goblins. also that iguanar dude. just use it with various burns to compliment sacking goblins or tokens
Posted By: Omenchild (12/31/2009 9:34:52 PM)


@ DarthParallax, did you even mind reading the card before you posted or USED it?

You said: "Why, yes I WOULD like to sacrifice two meaningless minion tokens to cast Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker for only UBBR."

Card says: "Noncreature spells you cast cost 2 less to cast. Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, counter that spell unless you sacrifice a creature."

How would you play Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker for BlueBlackBlackRed with this card?

Exactly, this card doesn't do that.

The card you want is Ashnod's Altar and it's high rated for the reason that it can do madness like letting you play Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker for BlueBlackBlackRed and 2 sacrifices.

All in all loved Mode's post, really epic puttin that all together so nicely, makes my life easy.

Shame on you Parallax, shame...
Posted By: Amorgan (5/14/2012 10:43:48 AM)


Why, yes I WOULD like to sacrifice two meaningless minion tokens to cast Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker for only UBBR.

The First Law of Magic says that once you become One With Nothing, there isn't a single bad (non-vanilla creature) card in the game. In fact they're all broken in half. o.O

Amorgan: wow. A Magic player that can't multiply a card's effect by 2 o.O Have you never in your life had two copies of a card on the battlefield? In your hand? In your deck? Um...in front of you?

You don't even have to own the card to 'see' it -_- Everyone else understood perfectly well what I meant. :P Please take remedial lessons with Riku of Two Reflections about the Number 2.
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/11/2013 9:14:53 PM)



Let me tell you why this card is bad, because you are apparently quite the "simpleton" yourself. First of all, it is a black enchantment that reduces noncreature spells only by 2 mana. Most of black's noncreature spells are instants or sorceries that are either some variant of destroying a nonblack creature or forcing your opponent to discard a card. The kill spells average at around 3 mana- and I really wouldn't want to sacrifice a creature just to shave off one mana from terror. That leaves the discard spells and the best of those don't get reduced at all- duress and thoughtseize both cost {B} and hymn to tourach cost {B}{B}. The amount of mana shaved off is really not worth sacrificing a creature.

Now, there are also much better ways to sacrifice creature tokens. Bone splinters, fleshbag marauder, innocent blood and barter in... (see all)
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (11/11/2010 6:40:01 PM)


Hey hey, calm down! :D

...I agree, though. I'm a huge fan of the Ravnica block and I'd love to be lucky enough to finally get this card (or Glimpse the Unthinkable, even better^^) - instead I keep getting dual lands (which doesn't exactly suck, but still...).

Best regards from Hamburg :-)
Posted By: Schlappi (7/15/2009 8:50:27 AM)


Good card with march of the machines and lots of 1-2 cost artifacts leading up to something.
Posted By: Chrisrawr (7/29/2009 11:46:13 AM)


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