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Mode, you almost got it right. Bloodthirst in general should read like this:
Bloodthirst (number): Creature gets (number) counters if opponent took any damage. if (number) is X, it is equal to the damage dealt to opponents this turn
there is no IF at all, and it shouldn't read any differently from other bloodthirst; though I disagree that the definition of X should be in the reminder text, and not part of the card's ability-text, as that means a bloodthirst of X MUST follow this format.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (11/2/2010 6:12:57 PM)


The very definition of a win more card. If it had been 7 for a 7/7 with the same abilities, it'd be golden. But, if you're behind and pull this? 7 for a 3/3 with a few protective properties, go. If you're managing to make it 7 for a 13/13 or some other large number? You probably already won. Before Gaea's Revenge, this was mediocre. With the existence of Gaea's Revenge, it's (almost) strictly worse. Costs G more, and can be putrefied. However, has 5 more base power, protection from non-green targeting, 2 more base toughness, and has haste. Wood-kin is bad, yo. Should be a 2 star card, as in below average, because it's 7 for a 3/3, or 7 for a winmoar.
Posted By: Kamahl_FoK (8/23/2011 4:09:51 PM)


this guys is just a paradox: for it be useful great damage must be done, once great damage is done he is only there to make the kill but you are winning anyways... normally
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (1/3/2012 6:44:37 PM)


I've played this and gotten a 20/20. Muahahahahah!
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/22/2012 10:31:59 AM)


@ Kirbster

We call that "Jund"
Posted By: Rancid_Raptor (6/24/2013 3:47:12 PM)


Seems like it could be from the set Future Sight, considering that its got a unique protection and an interesting variant on an ability. As said before though, very win-more. You need 7 mana AND the ability to do a decent amount of damage to make this guy worth it. A dedicated ramp deck usually won't deal much damage for this thing unless its already dropped one of its bombs, in which case this is a win more. An aggressive deck capable of dealing lots of damage is only ever going to get to 7 mana if their hand/draws were poor (aka they probably won't do much damage) or they're facing control and don't have many threats down (aka they probably won't do much damage).
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (12/18/2013 2:25:37 PM)


This variant on Bloodthirst is phenomenal in multiplayer. Granted, casting a big Hurricane prior to this requires godly amounts of mana, but when it happens...
Posted By: Salient (1/12/2014 8:24:06 AM)


REPRINT IT and give it "protection from intants and cards with flash".and i would really have what i expect from this creature
Posted By: kronos1225 (3/30/2014 3:09:58 AM)


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