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Community Rating: 2.276 / 5  (67 votes)
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This is pretty bad, Wall of Swords was ok, but nothing spectacular. This is 1 more CMC just for +1 power. Normally for another mana I expect more than that.
Posted By: BrutalJim (4/16/2010 2:18:43 PM)


I'm with achilleselbow on this. Wall of Air is 1/5 flying for 3. Hell, Baneslayer Angel is a 5/5 with every ability in the game, for 5... so... huh ?
Posted By: Belz_ (5/10/2010 4:12:20 PM)


I don't see the point in comparing an uncommon to a mythic rare. There are different rarities for a reason, and one of those reasons is to purposefully give higher ratings greater power.

Aside from that, yes, this card does suck. It should have been {2}{W}{W} and that would have easily made up for the increased power of Wall of Swords. Obviously this card was given defender to fit with the subtheme of Rise of the Eldrazi, so there was no way this would have been a balanced card with the same cost and 4/5 without defender, but at least it could have been 4CMC.
Posted By: sarroth (8/9/2010 11:51:12 PM)


this is terrible, don't know why its even above a 2 star rating as of this post and an uncommon at that.
Posted By: Richard_Hawk (9/17/2010 3:33:27 PM)


@ Belz_

You can't compare this card to Baneslayer Angel. Look at their rarities. Does Llanowar Elves suck because Birds of Paradise exist? Does Cancel not exist because of Mindbreak Trap? No, the difference in rarities means there's going to be a difference in power. It's how the game was made.

As for the creature, it's not great, but it's not awful. It's a nice solid blocker, and using the still-in-set Warmonger's Chariot makes it a pretty heavy flier. I used one in standard after a bad run-in with a Makindi Griffin, and it saved my life twice.
Posted By: SunshineTheBlond (4/23/2011 8:59:25 AM)


Very nice wall. There are great wall deck possibilities coming from this set.
Posted By: Rhodestar1 (4/16/2010 3:00:13 AM)


There is no point for this card to exist, other than to hire an artist, produce a card and pump out an underpowered defender.
It really is embarrassing when Wizards puts out crap like this.
I've been waiting for defender to become remotely competitive for 17+ years, but Wizards apparently thinks "Defender" or "wall" means the card has to suck, for some reason.

I dare Wizards to come up with a Defender card that is anywhere near as powerful as Baneslayer Angel (or any number of over-the-curve creatures THAT CAN ATTACK).
Seriously, there would be no problem with that, since it can only DEFEND on its own. "Hello!"
Posted By: reapersaurus (3/9/2011 6:34:31 PM)


Would it have killed to make this cost one less?
Posted By: BongRipper420 (6/2/2012 2:36:48 AM)


Dies to doom blade /fooking campers.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/13/2012 4:33:45 AM)


The nerve of some people. This card was printed in Rise of the Eldrazi, a set heavily focused on defenders and the late-game in limited. As others have mentioned, Warmonger's Chariot made this card a 6/7 flyer. That's larger than Deathless Angel, a disgustingly powerful card in the format, and that's using uncommons. Another way to use this would be to pair it up with Rage Nimbus to kill your opponents' utility creatures or Eldrazi Spawn tokens. Removal was hard to come by and made extremely valuable by the existence of the Eldrazi at all rarities.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (12/12/2013 4:11:15 PM)


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