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Community Rating: 2.535 / 5  (43 votes)
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Awesome art at least.
Posted By: lorendorky (4/26/2012 10:51:16 PM)


I hate opening a pack and seeing this card. And I play zombies -_-
Posted By: MusicalMikus (5/14/2012 7:49:45 PM)


Why do they give a naturally defensive creature an ability that keeps it from blocking a large number of the only creatures it could actually survive blocking?
Posted By: Potdindy (6/15/2012 11:23:56 PM)


This card has one edge over other zombies for the one-drop slot - it can block the turn it comes out, assuming it isn't going against a human. Diregraf Ghoul comes into play tapped, and Gravecrawler can't block, period. I'm also going to point out that Hunted Ghoul is a COMMON, so comparing it to an uncommon and a rare isn't really fair, to be honest.

As much as I like to play devil's advocate though, I can't deny the fact that Diregraf Ghoul and Gravecrawler are still much better to include in a zombie deck than this guy. Hunted Ghoul is one of the unfortunate victims of the bad card policy - cards designed to be inferior to other cards, so that the other cards look better by comparison. Hunted Ghoul is entirely playable, but there are better choices and unfortunately, he will not see play because of that.

Somehow I feel this is a similar argument to the Baneslayer Angel > Serra Angel scenario.

Posted By: MechaKraken (6/21/2012 2:47:35 AM)


Even though I only play casual, after playing against this card, I really don't think that it's that good. The problem with this card is that it mostly just swings for 1. Have you ever done a Gatherer search on how many humans there are in this game? Right now, there are 1560 humans, not including changelings. In comparison, there are 1499 artifacts in the game right now. So yeah. It's neither a very good attacker (in comparison to stuff like Carnophage and Diregraf Ghoul) nor a good blocker (in comparison to Typhoid Rats). If you want a decent defensive black one-drop in casual, either use the rats or simply screw one-drops and put in some more removal. From my experience, one-drops which don't have a significant effect on the game for their cost are bad, even in casual (by a significant effect on the game, I mean on the level of the three cards I mentioned above).
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/16/2014 2:29:03 PM)


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