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8 power for 7 mana is good without anything else. Adding flying... a great finisher for blue.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (1/30/2010 11:09:24 PM)


It's fair for it's cost, but incredibly boring. An 8/7 beater for 7? With nothing but flying? In blue? It doesn't seem to say Sphinx to me. It's a very bland card. I agree that it should not have been the foil in the UG deck, or a foil in any precon. It just is not very interesting and says nothing about Zendikar other than it has Sphinxes.
Posted By: Elysiume (1/29/2010 1:46:32 PM)


This is nice to have in blue. It's appropriate flavor-wise, but it's not something the color usually gets. It's still not the best creature in the world, but it's playable and appropriate for a rare. I'd still prefer Sphinx of Jwar Isle or even Sphinx Ambassador, but this isn't bad.

My complaint with it, however, is that it's a sphinx. I'll accept Serra Sphinx being simple since that was a timeshifted version and sphinxes are as close to angels as blue gets, but an 8/7 with flying and nothing else shouldn't be a sphinx. Sphinxes are supposed to be crafty, not only bulky.
Posted By: SleetFox (4/1/2010 1:15:54 PM)


I don't think people realize how good this card actually is. Something this powerful in blue has got to be a sign of good things to come.
Posted By: TheTraitorKing (1/30/2010 4:20:16 AM)


Strictly worse than Storm Crow.
Posted By: Wudikind (3/21/2010 7:52:05 PM)


A bit too under-costed to me. Blue doesn't get big creatures like that for that kind of cost.
Posted By: Johnald (1/29/2010 9:28:58 PM)


If you don't mind cutting his wings off he could be decent with Magebane Armor on.
Posted By: Khias (1/29/2010 10:09:48 PM)


I'll tell you exactly why this is a bad card.

Blue: A color that thrives on interrupts

The last couple sets have brought forth a dilemma though, the introduction of the "Sphinx," or short for efficient beatdown sticks. This raises a problem though -- every color outside of blue (even green now - Beast Within), runs heavy creature disruption.

How do decks outside of blue deal with having their creatures destroyed the moment they land? Hoarding or CiP/EtB. It's impossible to destroy a bunch of goblins or white weenies with single target spells, and the Titan's leave behind their EtB result.

Blue's creatures, the better ones, are all around 4-8 mana. Considering you have to leave at least 1-2 mana open to counter, that means you won't be getting creatures out very fast. So you will neither be able to stay on curve, or drop down enough creature to stave off the inevitable stockpile of removals. Yes, blue has counters, but if you believe you'll have enough counters to both stave off r... (see all)
Posted By: sniper_ix (6/26/2011 3:03:33 AM)


Wrong colors. Wrong ability. Wrong rarity. Yet it's the foil card of the green/blue structure deck.

Synergy with Archon of Redemption? Hell, that was a shot in the dark if ever there was one.

Since when is blue an aggro color? Uhh, never. Flying is a blue ability, but we have our above-the-cost flying guy. He's $20-30, while this will probably be $0.50.

Green-blue can ramp into the mana and spell you trouble...until you Terminate it. :|

It might beat up Sphinx of Jwar Isle, but Jar Jar Sphinx at least has utility. This thing has...a big body. Ooh. REAL special.
Posted By: DonRoyale (1/29/2010 1:24:40 PM)


8/7 for blue?

What else did I miss in Worldwake?!
Posted By: TheAmberSpyglass (8/2/2012 12:58:25 AM)


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