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Community Rating: 3.435 / 5  (107 votes)
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situational combat trick but very powerful in a deck built around this card. I like to combo with Boros Charm
Posted By: MasterBlaster74 (8/3/2013 8:56:24 AM)


Use it after using boros charm or in an artifact deck with darksteel forge out.
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (8/15/2013 7:52:32 AM)


Odric, Master Tactician and Tajic, Blade of the Legion for a one-sided boardwipe. Of course, you could just drop a Day of Judgment, but sometimes you need certain creatures dead.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (9/20/2013 6:24:42 PM)


Frontline medic or boros charm. As others have said, reconnaissance is great on offense and Palace guard is great on defense, but this card is more versatile than than people think. Tokens. Have more 1/1s than your opponent has creatures? Block each one once, or attack all out with only tokens. Then cast this. It makes your little 1/1s all trade up, clearing your opponent's annoying creatures out and letting the rest of your things beat face.
Posted By: jonrds (3/31/2014 11:18:15 AM)


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