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This thing makes for some silly EDH/Commander moments :P

@Tempted_Johnny: if nothing else, this card has some of the most hilarious comments I've ever seen on Gatherer :D
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (9/22/2011 1:31:45 PM)


"I will take my Mycosynth Lattice and beat you over the head with it. And everything else, for that matter."
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (2/6/2012 9:21:01 AM)


A wonderful flavour card. Also, equip one of your creatures with a small brass lamp for a rockin' +55/+0.
Posted By: Kirbster (5/22/2012 10:42:24 PM)


Equipping Goblin Gaveleer with a Knowledge Pool and swinging as a 9/1 with trample sounds hilarious...also use with Puresteel Paladin and you'll have your little critters beating face like never before! Who knew Tumble Magnets could also be used as weapons?
Posted By: tcollins (5/23/2011 8:14:28 AM)


Puresteel paladin combo! i like the image of a Green swinging around a titan forge or somthing :)
Posted By: PhyrexianFailure (4/28/2011 3:29:58 PM)


@HairlessThoctar Gleemax + Puresteel Paladin, or else you could probably never equip it.
Posted By: Maxcoh (5/1/2011 2:07:20 PM)


Time to pick up a Caged Sun and start bashing away.
Posted By: Amnatto (5/2/2011 5:28:32 PM)


This actually has great flavor, with the Mirrans fighting savagely with everything they have...neat card, and as people have said, Mox Lotus with Gleemax works well, as does Puresteel Paladin...I put this into my Metalcraft deck to have something to do with all my excess Ichor Wellsprings, but I've never actually drawn it, so IDK how it works...
Posted By: Superllama12 (5/26/2011 4:43:59 PM)



I don't see why not. Nicol Bolas PW becomes an artifact planeswalker thanks to Liquidmetal Cooling. Since Nicol Bolas PW is not a creature or an equipment, he is affected by Bludgeon Brawl. Nicol Bolas PW is thus an artifact equipment planeswalker with all his abilities intact. With Equip 8 for +8/+0 it's not terribly practical, though. It makes Bolas PW vulnerable to things that destroy artifacts (there's far more artifact hate than there is planeswalker hate), costs a total of 11 mana (the equip cost plus Nicol Bolas the Creature's upkeep, assuming this enchantment and the Bolas cards are already on the field) and only lasts until end of turn anyway.

It would sure be funny as hell, though.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (1/4/2012 12:57:32 AM)


@Buridan - "Does it count artifacts in your hand as equipment too?"

No. Artifact cards in your hand are considered exactly that-- artifact cards, not artifacts. An artifact card is only an artifact when it is on the battlefield. In any other zone, it is an artifact card (unless it's on the stack, then it's an artifact spell). For instance, consider the following:

Scrapyard Salvo refers to "artifact cards in your graveyard."

Kuldotha Forgemaster refers to an "artifact card" in your library.

Prototype Portal asks you to exile "an artifact card from your hand."

Steel Sabotage allows you to counter an "artifact spell."

Shatter allows you to destroy an artifact. You can't use it to make your opponent discard an artifact card, you can't use it to somehow "destroy" an artifact in a graveyard, and you can't use it to counter an artifact spell as it's being cast, because ... (see all)
Posted By: SpencerDub (5/9/2011 2:15:57 AM)


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