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Turn 1: Swamp, Blood Pet
Turn 2: Forest, this, Hunger of the Howlpack
Posted By: RickT (5/30/2012 8:46:18 PM)


I'm considering this for a W/B speed aggro deck. For creatures I'm considering:

Tormented Soul
Nearheath Pilgrim
Cloistered Youth
Fiend Hunter

Soulbind Tormented Soul w/ Nearheath Pilgrim to pay for Cloistered Youth's upkeep. As for the Treacherous Pit-Dweller, just hold the Fiend Hunters for when they take the Pit-Dweller. Then Cloudshift the Fiend Hunter which causes the Pit-Dweller to come back under your (it's owner) control and then just have the Fiend Hunter target a different creature of your opponent's. Conjurer's Closet would allow you to keep up the combo once you run out of Cloudshift which doubles to help avoid removal. Things like auto... (see all)
Posted By: alphagprime (6/4/2012 12:11:28 PM)


It's very good card if played properly 4/3 for 2 mana is not so much give him Skeletal Grimance for1B So you have 5/4 (for 1BBB) (you can gamble and wait with grimance(especially in early part of a game) for turn when he is sure to die)
AND IF you're Mono dark AvR you probably have bone Splinters or Barter in Blood to kill him if he change side(undead for your sacrifices and its okay :D )

In Conclusion Use Him when you have cards and opportunity to destroy Him/block undead effect and if you got them you have bomb for an early game/suprise later
Posted By: GraveOver (6/8/2012 11:36:31 AM)


infinite Reflection would be an option.
Posted By: Mike-C (6/9/2012 3:27:57 AM)


Best ways to prevent him from going to your opponent's side:

a) Topor Orb. Not bad since you'll probably have built your deck to abuse it anyway.
b) Sacrifice him. Innistrad block had few sacrifice outlets at instant speed (Disciple of Griselbrand being the only one that comes to mind), but there's probably some way of sacrificing him. whatever format you play. And next, my favourite one...
c) Play him in multiplayer. You can give it to whoever has the least chance of attacking you, or just use him as coin in multiplayer politics.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (6/16/2012 9:04:57 PM)


Mark of the Oni is fun to put in a deck with this. That way, you'll always control a demon!
Posted By: NickDay (6/19/2012 1:01:22 PM)


This is for Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter. You can sac this for four counters on Vish Kal, use those counters to kill a 4/4, then sac it again when it returns to the battlefield for five counters and kill a 5/5.

Remember, it's still under your control until the first ability resolves, so it works!
Posted By: holyexemplar (7/6/2012 1:20:20 AM)


If it comes back with a +1/+1 counter on it and I Cloudshift it would it bring it back? Would that work?
Posted By: SonicaMoto (7/18/2012 8:29:09 PM)


Endless Whispers is great for a creature that you can sacrifice a few times every turn to things like Goblin Bombardment, Viscera Seer, or Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter.

But remember Endless Whispers returns the creature to play "at end of turn" so this isn't an infinite combo, and looks something like this...

1st> Have endless whispers in play along with a sacrifice outlet and Treacherous Pit-Dweller
2nd> When TPD goes to the graveyard, the undying trigger goes on the stack and Endless Whispers creates a delayed triggered ability that will trigger at end of turn.
3rd> The undying trigger resolves and TPD comes back into play with +1/+1 counter, triggering TPD's other ability (the control changing part) and nullifying the first Endless Whispers delayed trigger since it can't track the card when it changes zones.
4th> Sacrifice TPD to your outlet before its ability resolves sending it to the grav... (see all)
Posted By: roguepariah (8/5/2012 8:05:56 AM)


EDIT: Alright, forget all that. Grafdigger's Cage is where it's at: keeping the Dweller out of trouble, being cast first turn, and hosing the crap out of half the standard metagame right now.
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/20/2012 11:31:03 PM)


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