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Community Rating: 4.603 / 5  (383 votes)
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It's somewhat understandable that this card was made when it was made, considering that there was no Darksteel or Blightsteel Colossus at the time. Good artifact creatures were much less frequent. They had Masticore, but that in itself is not really capable of winning the game the way later artifact creatures can. Mostly it was useful as a way to get a needed component for a combo deck.

The real question then is, knowing that Tinker existed already and would be available in Vintage and Legacy (at the time), why did they go in later sets and print the kinds of artifact creatures they have?
Posted By: Technetium (5/20/2013 6:46:30 AM)


this is just too in casual

T1:Black Lotus, Ornthopter/chrome mox/any mox/lotus petal/darksteel citadel etc. into tinker, into collosus/leviathan. For extra Lulz: lotus, great furnace, tinker collossus into reckless charge.
Posted By: doitpow (4/24/2010 7:02:19 AM)


Allow opponent to go first

Turn 1: Swamp, Ornithopter, Black Lotus

Sac Black Lotus for BlueBlueBlue, play Tinker/sac Ornithopter & play Cyclopean Snare, tap Swamp, play Dark Ritual, use the BlackBlackBlack to activate Cyclopean Snare, tapping your opponents turn 1 creature, returning Cyclopean Snare to your hand and setting you up for the win.
Posted By: noobmag1 (1/31/2013 5:41:26 AM)


Needs Affinity for Artifacts and Instant Speed. Otherwise, perfectly fine card. 5 stars. but it could have been 10....;)

EDIT: One day, on the day that Wizards repeals the Reserved List, they will simply print Really Godawful Cards named after the Restricted List:

Phyrexia's Tinkering
Umezawa's Tutor
Urza's Library
Mishra's Bazaar
Karn's Mana Vault
Yawgmoth's Necropotence
Mishra's Balance
Nicol Bolas' Will
Urza's Ruby
Urza's Sapphire
Urza's Emerald
Urza's Pearl
Urza's Jet
Mishra's Lotus

Because Mishra cards are always better. ;)
Posted By: DarthParallax (5/8/2013 8:38:42 PM)


@thewrathofshane Look who's sad because he lost to a Tinker deck in a tournament. What's wrong, want gatherer to kiss your boo-boo and make you feel better?
EDIT: I honestly don't buy cards that are more than about $4. I just don't complain when I play someone who does.
Posted By: atemu1234 (5/28/2013 2:36:07 PM)


>Card is a result of god awful internal testing, and becomes a broken monstrosity that would be taken back if able.
>Card gets 5/5 ratings across the board.

I rate .5/5, because rating on power alone encourages wizards to print unbalanced shit like this.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/11/2013 4:59:56 AM)


I usually use this to pull a Scourglass to win the following turn. Reaper King and Magister Sphinx are also good choices in addition to the ones listed above.
Posted By: Jay13x (2/23/2010 11:25:26 AM)


If you're running artifacts and islands, there is no reason not to play 4 if your house rules allow it. I would run 10 if I could.
Posted By: ArtBell (2/24/2010 9:50:18 PM)


I would put this in the same tier of power as Black Lotus. Practically the only two excuses for not putting Black Lotus in your deck are not owning any and it being banned. Likewise, any deck with a half-decent artifact presence needs this card if it's legal and in your collection. That's not even going into DELIBERATELY breaking this card, such as with big guys like Darksteel Colossus, Inkwell Leviathan, Reaper King, Mycosynth Golem, Darksteel Forge, etc.
Posted By: SleetFox (3/14/2010 4:37:38 PM)


i can't count how many times ive run an artifact deck, been down to my last straw and either drawn this or drawn demonic tutor to draw this card out to bring a darksteel collosis out... soo broken yet sooo fun.
Posted By: Biems (3/22/2010 3:07:03 PM)


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