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@TezzieAgentOfWoona: What is 8/7 and blue all over?
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/19/2013 7:19:56 AM)


While this card is certainly undercosted, I'm not a fan of it simply because it reflects a conflict of design, flavor, and the color wheel. It's obvious that they wanted to make a huge blue flier, which is fine. However, an 8/7 for 7 in blue isn't on-curve at all for the color, and the vast majority of Sphinxes have some sort of additional interesting effect besides keywords, reflecting their intelligence and trickery (the only other exceptions are Serra Sphinx, which was from a set designed to break rules, and Sphinx of the Steel Wind, which works because of the Akroma effect). It's the spitting image of a Griffin, too. The fact that they then had to make a French vanilla card rare is just a testament to how odd it is, and while it's fine to bend the rules every once in a while, the fact that it appears in a set with other blatant design screw-ups like Jace TMS is further evidence that people were sleeping on the job.
Posted By: jnmwhg (6/27/2013 11:00:03 AM)


Love the art, the flavour text and the card overall. One of my favourite cards.

To people who say it isn't sphinx-like enough, he DOES have all kinds of phenomenal abilities, he just doesn't see why he should tell you about them. What's more sphinx-like than that?
Posted By: BorosGreengrocer (7/30/2013 8:44:49 AM)


Has anyone else noticed that the mountain that the sphinx stands on looks a lot like the island in Unglued?
Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/22/2014 10:02:26 AM)


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