This card is awesome. I can't wait to use it in an upcoming deck. I placed second in an NPH booster draft last night and one of the 5 packs I won had a foil Batterskull and a Phyrexian Obliterator. I can't think of a booster pack I would have rather opened in this whole set. So pumped to play them both
Posted By:
(5/21/2011 1:12:58 PM)
ppl...its magic...its steals lifewith magic, it walks by magic...the form is really not important. Since it seems to be huge and can be used as a weapon by a faerie it oviously must have sizealtering and quite likely form altering magic as well as animation and lifesteal. simple. whenever you have trouble understanding how a card works in the real world just remember...its magic...
and its great. good that its 5 mana making it tricky to find a spot without a little ramp/stall. had it been 4 and fx 3/4 or 3/3 it would show up much too often^^
Posted By:
(7/16/2011 5:59:38 AM)
Run Essence Sliver instead.
Posted By:
(7/27/2012 12:41:33 PM)
Spoken like a TRUE Magic player.
Posted By:
(7/15/2013 1:41:19 PM)
It irritates me when people downrate a card just because they don't like it. So stop doing it. The star system isn't a scale for how much you like the card: it's supposed to TELL PEOPLE HOW GOOD YOU THOUGHT THIS CARD WAS.
Seriously. This is 4.5, easily. It's by far the best Living Weapon, and it might even be better than the swords.
Posted By:
(5/9/2011 3:15:34 PM)
The "return to hand" ability doesn't specify where from (presumably battlefield though)... so if your opponent DOES destroy it, can you tap 3 and bring it back to your hand from the graveyard?
Posted By:
(5/19/2011 3:50:58 PM)
okay, I can't tell
is this Phrexian or Mirrodin flavor?
Posted By:
(7/6/2011 3:49:06 AM)
Am I misunderstanding this card or can your opponent simply pay 3 and return Batterskull to your hand at any time?? There simply is no time to use it without haste..
Posted By:
(2/17/2012 3:55:44 AM)
I don't get all the people saying it has no flavor.
Vigilance probably is implied by the fact that the thing is so huge that even after its attacked it's a bulky defender they're going to have to fight their way through.
As for lifelink, well... if you look at the promo art, it becomes obvious the front of the thing is a mouth. It's eating them.
I do find the self bounce ability bizarre and somewhat unnecessary, though.
Posted By:
(10/1/2013 11:13:25 PM)
@Donovan_Fabian: Torpor Orb doesn't stop Living Weapons from creating a Germ. It only affects creatures entering the battlefield, not equipment.
Posted By:
(5/8/2011 11:25:03 AM)