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Community Rating: 4.212 / 5  (59 votes)
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Jitte, Stand Still, Survival of the Fittest, the list goes on and on, and this one counters them all with one mana. Definitely a powerful sideboard.
Posted By: Cyberium (11/3/2010 2:00:19 PM)


Obviously great against artifact decks.
Posted By: Destruction3402 (12/8/2010 9:47:14 AM)


Put 4 in your sideboard if you like winning second round games against combo decks.
Posted By: Pontiac (3/26/2011 8:08:20 AM)


forget what it targets, lol- look at how much of the color pie it mises! :O
Strictly better than:

Disenchant, Demystify, Wane, Oxidize, Naturalize, even Nature's Claim...AND the new Smelt?! x.x

It's like the only colors that are any good at any shit are black and blue!

EDIT: I'm sorry I refuse to accept your arguments. If you are playing Blue and you cannot ensure that you have exactly the cards you want/need in your hand, you aren't playing enough copies of the right Blue cards. Shuffling Matters in Standard and Modern maybe. It doesn't really have as much bearing on Legacy, where you have access to Jace, the Mthr Flippin Mind Sculptor, and also the Color Blue with CMC 3 or less, which all do similar things....

and Vintage, where you can pack in Tutors, play at least 1 of any card in the game's History, as well... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (8/24/2013 11:48:28 AM)


Bye bye Sensei's Divining Top! That is, assuming you go first...
Posted By: Ideatog (7/26/2011 9:06:22 PM)


Different from Steel Sabotage but SS is a lot better vs artifact decks than this.
Posted By: Crag-Hack (9/11/2011 11:26:56 PM)



It's very obvious that you don't understand what "strictly better" means.
Posted By: Smoofer (6/22/2012 4:40:02 PM)



Yes, because watching your opponent play a bomb of an artifact, you'd much rather topdeck this than naturalise, right?

Counters only work in a limited time frame. You can't compare them to permanent removal because they work totally differently.
Posted By: Majora_13 (11/5/2012 6:03:27 PM)


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