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Community Rating: 4.479 / 5  (95 votes)
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This card is a false sense of security. Most of the time its ability is irrelevant until your at negative life, at which point your opponent will destroy/bounce for the win.

Paying 7 mana for a 4/4 flying creature blows. This creature is just for tabletop fun, Abyssal Persecutor is quite the opposite.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/4/2013 11:44:38 PM)


I really want to have an Abyssal Persecutor and Platinum Angel out at the same time. Carry counterspell 'til the cows come home and troll that game good! Maybe Armageddon..?
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/19/2013 9:42:24 AM)


I like the fact that the Oracle rulings felt it necessary to justify why you can concede with this in play. What did they think the rules would say? "NO, YOU MUST STAY AT THE TABLE. KEEP PLAYING. THE CARD DOES NOT LET YOU LEAVE!"
Posted By: Aquillion (4/29/2013 2:30:47 PM)


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