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Community Rating: 4.197 / 5  (66 votes)
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Definitely one of the top ten common/uncommon cards that should have been rare.

Also best Warchief :3
Posted By: John-Bender (2/27/2010 10:57:05 PM)


This thing alone is a 3/2 for 4 mana; in a mono-black deck this thing pumps, hastens and is not even legendary!
A shame I did not know this card when I was playing my Zombie deck...
Posted By: WER386 (12/17/2009 11:05:07 AM)


What more can really be said than "It has the strength of seven men. In fact, it used to be seven men." XP

In all serious though, this is the centerpiece of any zombie deck. An unholy strength to all your undead minions, and an increase in your tempo? Throw in Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Zombie Master, and now you're talking.
Posted By: CXA26483 (8/25/2009 8:11:17 AM)


Think of it as a +2/+1 sorcery to all of your creatures for 4 mana; which makes it a finisher card.
Then think of it as an enchantment that does that.
Then realize it can attack for 3 without other support.

It can quite handily eat a game alive when using zombie tokens or lots of 1-drops and recursion. He turns Gravecrawler into a 1-mana 4/2, and if that doesn't sound brutal; you should see it in game.

His cost reduction is, IMO, worth less than the other warlords, but his buff is worth as much or more. The whole cycle is damn good though.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/13/2013 11:48:07 PM)


It has the strength of seven men. In fact, it used to be seven men.
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/30/2009 8:53:07 AM)


I think the flavor text might be funnier without the second sentence.
Posted By: TDL (6/27/2011 5:50:17 PM)


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